Try the political quiz

319 Replies


How would your life be different if your choices were always decided for you?

 @9KN5SVX from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

My life would be different because everyone is different which is the beauty of sonder. I may fully agree with someone on a topic but the reason we both agree on these things may be two completely different reasons.

 @9KTJG92 from California agreed…3mos3MO

Having someone else opinion can inflict on their decision. So if you believe the opposite and they make the decision for you, it would be bad.

 @9KN5W2KRepublican from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

If my choices were made for me I would feel it would depend on who is making the decisions because based on who is is the difference between bad or good.

 @9KND8Z4Green from Wisconsin disagreed…3mos3MO

Freedom of choice always makes me happy whether or not the choice being made for me is one I agree with.

 @9KN5QLG from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

I would not feel heard since I cannot put in my opinion on the choices.

 @9KNCQ4B from Florida agreed…3mos3MO

If every decision in life was made for me I would have no creativity, imagination, and or responsibility. I am independent when making decisions that are relevant the actions and consequences of said actions.

 @9KN634N from Alabama answered…3mos3MO

My life would be more structured and I would care less about what happens


In what creative ways have you seen people in your life assert their independence?

 @9L4NWFMGreen from Pennsylvania answered…2mos2MO

I have seen people speak up for themselves and not do what they are told and follow their own path which shows independence.

 @9L4NVJGDemocrat from Pennsylvania answered…2mos2MO

 @9L4N4SP from Florida answered…2mos2MO


If you could design a society from scratch, what core value would you want it to champion?


you have to pay taxes if own property. Bigger or more property=higher taxes.

 @9JSGB4B from Washington answered…4mos4MO

Treat other people with the concern and kindness you would like them to show toward you.

 @9JSFZC4 answered…4mos4MO

a cult where they legalize blood rituals, rituals, blood sacrifices, and sumnings. + canibalism.


What does 'freedom' mean to you in your day-to-day life?

 @9JRZFWSDemocrat from Georgia answered…4mos4MO

'freedom' means you have the right to live a life free of constant government regulating what you say and do.


Freedom to me is the will to do what you please whenever you would like

 @9JS2QH9 from Texas answered…4mos4MO

The ability to do anything (within reason) without having to hold the governments hand


If you were to teach someone about a freedom you cherish, what activity would you use to demonstrate its value?

 @9JCV89V  from Arizona answered…4mos4MO

Having free education is a freedom that I believe has the highest value, something I cherish the most. Education and knowledge is something that is absolutely essential, and it gives you limitless opportunity and potential. The more work you put in, the more you get out of it.

 @9JHPJQN from Virginia agreed…4mos4MO

A freedom I would use to teach is freedom of education. I would say how you don't have to go to college, that it's a choice. But in my case I would show them I can apply and go.

 @9JCV5GY from Oklahoma answered…4mos4MO

A freedom I cherish is the right to higher education. I am grateful that I can learn more about my field of study in order to better myself and others.

 @9JCTVQM from Arizona answered…4mos4MO

I cherish the freedom to express myself. Whether that be through the clothes I wear, the music I listen to, the art I make, etc; To be able to openly talk about what interests me and makes me happy, will always be my favorite thing. To demonstrate its value, I would give each person two coloring pages, one is for them to decide what colors and doodles go on it, the other has to be certain colors and designs and if they were to object to it, they would have to run a lap or something and then do it. idk if that makes sense 💀


How important do you believe it is for an individual to have the power to decide their own future?

 @9H9JWZR from California answered…6mos6MO

I believe it is extremely important and believe this is pretty much in line with America's natural beliefs.

 @9H9JPW8Independent from Florida commented…6mos6MO

Extremely important, deciding your own destination is key to becoming successful. Not being able to decide your future takes away your right to become who or what you want to be.

 @9H6RH3S from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO

i think that people should decide what they want for their future. I think it’s very important because that is based on what they want


Do you think communities should have the right to govern themselves even if it goes against national laws?

 @9H7YRMR from California answered…6mos6MO

 @9H7YJLG from Utah answered…6mos6MO

Only if the federal government has not precluded state legislation and does not seek to preclude it.

 @9H7YV6Z from Rhode Island answered…6mos6MO


In what ways do you think holding leadership positions in school activities shapes a student's future?

 @9HV48JZ from Iowa answered…5mos5MO

shows management of ones time efforts , life skills,and what determination gives you.

 @9HV3NVRRepublican from Texas answered…5mos5MO

Holding leadership positions is a good learning experience for children, as it allows them to develop critical thinking early.


In what situations do you think it is okay for a group to assert their will over a larger population?

 @9HCTD6NRepublican from California answered…6mos6MO

I do not think it is ok for any group to assert their will over a larger population in almost any circumstance unless a very serious situation would occur but only for a limited time

 @9HCT34FWomen’s Equality from New Mexico answered…6mos6MO

Whom would you most like to see appointed as a member of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)?


If you had the power to change one rule or law in your community, what would it be and why?


Ban, fine, or weaponize the government against the pornography industry, which knowingly profits off of the human trafficking industry, the kidnapping and rape of women and children, and which does everything in its power to keep it that way. Pornography is a social evil which corrupts the minds of people who consume it, quickly leading to addiction, increasing mental illness, decreasing brain matter, decreasing academic performance, increasing divorce, and increasing sexual disfunction. These studies and articles are evidence for these claims:

Pornography addiction is nearly identical to coc…  Read more

 @9HD9Q6X from Texas answered…6mos6MO

I'd advocate for a law that ensures comprehensive educational resources for underprivileged areas or a rule that mandates inclusivity and diversity education within school curriculums. Such a change could help bridge societal gaps, empower individuals irrespective of their background, and foster a more inclusive and knowledgeable community.


What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind as an individual with the power to make choices?

 @9HX4T83 from New Mexico answered…5mos5MO

 @9HX4QFZ  from Arkansas answered…5mos5MO


Why is it important to have a personal sense of purpose or mission in life?

 @9KPMQNJ from Indiana answered…3mos3MO

I feel like if you don’t have self determination you will just give up too easily.


to help guide you in life and help you know your path or help guid you down that path


How do you think your perspective on life would change if you couldn't express yourself freely?


What specific freedoms are most important for you to feel in control of your life?


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