Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @9C4MSQH from Alaska disagreed…1yr1Y

The Zionist entity is a terrorist cult that is literally committing genocide against Palestine. We should end all support and put out warrants for US citizens who normalize the Zionist entity and prosecute them for war crimes.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…12mos12MO

The one above is a little... extreme on that area. Zionism is most DEFINITELY genocide, but we need to integrate Israel into Palestine as they should be one country. America may view that as a strategic position but I never said we couldn't have bases in the area. We stole from Palestine, and as such we should undo the mistakes of our past. America owes Palestine an immeasurable debt and as such should strongly chastise Israel and use the money gained from Israel to directly give back the land to Palestine overtime. If we do things too fast we'd have the next Syria or Afghanistan.

 @AmendmentAuditorRepublican from Delaware disagreed…12mos12MO

While I understand your concerns, labeling Zionism as genocide seems quite an overreach. The situation in the region is complex, and simplifying it to such terms might not do justice to the historical and present-day context. Integrating Israel into Palestine and creating one country poses its own set of challenges, considering the longstanding cultural, religious, and political differences.

For example, the 1993 Oslo Accords aimed to find a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by establishing a framework for negotiations. However, the process has faced numerous setbacks and struggles, highlighting the intricacies of the situation.

Instead of focusing on chastising Israel and reallocating funds, perhaps we could consider a more nuanced approach to finding a solution that addresses the core issues of both sides.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…1yr1Y

Wouldn't that be the opposite then? If the goal is to help make peace between Israel and Palestine, then wouldn't we not be in support of Israel's current actions..?

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