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Should the government increase environmental regulations to prevent climate change?


 @9F7Z7JD  from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Top Disagreement

If we want humans to continue living on this planet, we need to step up and take care of the big issues in the world. If we continue our ways of throwing trash into forests and distributing uneeded amounts of oil, we may run out of very valuable things like coal that run our society. That's why we need to turn to renewable resources like wind energy and solar energy in order to salvage oil, coal, fossil fuels, and natural gas.

 @9F9P68T from South Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

most countries in the first world has polluted less in the last 10 years than china does in 1 month.

 @9FC9CF7 from Virginia commented…9mos9MO

If you won’t do it for the emissions caused on the global scale, do it for the fact that oil is running out, coal isn’t cost competitive, and the local pollution from it is already a massive problem. It’s just a genuinely bad idea to keep using fossil fuels, and that should be the main focus of the energy sector