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Should teachers be allowed to carry guns at school?


 @9GDH2F8 from Guam agreed…8mos8MO

Arming teachers is a contentious and potentially dangerous approach to school security. The data suggests that most teachers lack the necessary training and expertise, and the presence of firearms in schools can create a fearful and stressful environment for both students and educators. There are documented cases of accidents and negligence involving armed personnel in schools, and alternative, less risky measures should be considered to enhance school safety.

Training and Expertise:

According to a report by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the majority of teachers lack law…  Read more

 @9GDHG7J from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

I think teachers should allowed to be armed, but only if they have special training. If they generally care about the kids that they are teaching they would want to protect them. Teachers being armed should not be a known thing amongst the students of each school so it doesn't create a fearful environment.

 @Duck2002Socialistfrom New York disagreed…8mos8MO

In the 2016 shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, trained law enforcement officials accidentally shot some of the victims during the chaos. This highlights the potential risk of having guns in the school environment, even in the hands of trained teachers.