Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?

Men’s Rights


What are your views on how gender roles shape our expectations of men's responsibilities at home?

 @9J2ZLBL from California answered…5mos5MO

I think we should abandon the ways of thinking that certain genders have certain roles specific to them as it is a very close-minded and often toxic way of thinking. Promote and encourage people to live how they want to live and do what makes them happy and/or fits their situation best.

 @55HJKYL disagreed…5mos5MO

Encouraging people to live however they want can lead to people wanting to live in ways they should not, whether morally or practically. While different individuals have different strengths and weaknesses, it is also true that men and women are naturally designed to fulfill certain roles specific to them. Calling this "toxic" has directly contributed to the breakdown of our society. People should instead encourage others to discover fulfillment within their natural gender roles. Encouraging people to break these gender roles encourages selfishness, and is antithetical to the goals of a thriving community and society.