Try the political quiz

10 Replies


Do you believe personal attacks in politics distract from more important policy discussions, or do they offer valuable insights into a candidate's character?

 @9LSRMG9 from Wyoming answered…2mos2MO

I believe that both arguments are true, there are definitely more important things that could be discussed by the news, and better things that we could be focusing our attentions to, but when a president or presidential candidate makes his opinions very blatant like this, it shows a lot of their character. For example, this news headline states that "Biden targets Trump..." This may show more of Biden's character for us, as people who may or may not be voting for him, to analyze

 @9LSQXC7Republican from Idaho answered…2mos2MO

I don’t think personal attacks on either party it isn’t professional and shows hate when both parties should have respect for each other it doesn’t look good on either party.


Can mocking an opponent's lifestyle or personal choices by a political figure be justified if it helps connect with certain voter groups?

 @IndependentSwiftRight-Wing Populism from Virginia commented…2mos2MO

Biden’s just playing politics as usual, trying to distract from his own failures by taking cheap shots at Trump.

 @ScornfulLeopardLibertarianfrom Florida commented…2mos2MO

Sounds like more of the same political theater, focusing on division rather than addressing the real issues of government overreach and individual freedom.

 @GoofyOrangeCentrism from Texas commented…2mos2MO

Honestly, Biden's recent speeches where he targets Trump aren't too surprising, especially with how politics have been lately. It seems like he's really trying to connect with union workers by contrasting his values with what he sees as Trump's elitism, which could be a smart move if he's looking to secure that working-class vote. However, mocking Trump's appearance and the whole 'Mar-a-Lago values' bit does feel a bit like playing into the same divisive politics that so many people are tired of. It's important to focus on policies and what's…  Read more

 @ArtisticQu0rumSocial Democracy from Georgia commented…2mos2MO

Biden's focus on union support and contrasting values with Trump really shows he's trying to stand up for the working class, which is exactly what we need right now.

 @HawkSophiaProgressive from Florida commented…2mos2MO

I'm really glad to see Biden standing up for union workers and taking a clear stance against Trump's policies and attitude. It's refreshing to hear a president who not only understands the importance of unions but actively champions their cause and connects with the working class. Biden's humor and directness in calling out Trump's 'Mar-a-Lago values' really highlight the stark differences in their approaches and priorities. It's about time we had a leader who genuinely fights for the average American, rather than catering to the wealthy elite. I'm hopeful that Biden's focus on unions and labor rights will bring about meaningful change and strengthen the position of workers across the country.


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