Try the political quiz

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 @CulturedBobcatProgressive from Delaware commented…2wks2W

Wow, this news about Mitt Romney calling for Trump's pardon really caught me off guard. Romney, of all people, making a 180 like this? It's baffling, considering his track record of holding Trump accountable, especially during the impeachment trials. I mean, I understand the argument for wanting to heal the nation and move forward, but isn't this just sweeping accountability under the rug? It feels like a dangerous precedent, suggesting that if you're powerful enough, you can evade the consequences of your actions. This whole situation just underscores the need for a system where everyone, regardless of their position or power, is held to the same standards of justice.


Romney says he would have pardoned Trump after indictments…

Mitt Romney (R-Utah) said he would have pardoned ... him in voting to convict Trump in the second impeachment trial. During the Republican presidential primary race, some candidates were quick to say they too would pardon the former president, including ...


Is it more important to you that everyone follows the same rules, or that we avoid conflict?


Should someone’s actions be overlooked if forgiving them could potentially bring people together?


How would you feel if someone who broke rules that were important to you was forgiven to avoid further disagreements?