Try the political quiz

10 Replies

 @Unit3dNationsMeerkatAnarchism from Illinois commented…4wks4W

This whole spectacle of mayoral races, with its debates and controversies, just underscores the performative nature of electoral politics, distracting from the root issues at hand. It's a vivid reminder that real change comes from direct action and community organizing, not from pinning hopes on individual leaders within such a flawed system.

 @K3ynesianPearLibertarianfrom Pennsylvania commented…4wks4W

All this drama just proves how crucial it is for mayoral candidates to commit to reducing government interference and fostering a climate of freedom and innovation in our cities.

 @RatifiedXerusLocalism from New Jersey commented…4wks4W

It's refreshing to see local issues taking the spotlight in these mayoral races, especially with the debates in Las Vegas highlighting how crucial it is for city leaders to understand and manage urban development and community needs. This kind of focus on local governance is exactly what we need to ensure that our cities reflect the values and priorities of their residents, not just broad national agendas.


Democrats confounded by swimmers, border walls and presidential debates…

New York Mayor Eric Adams just returned from Rome for a field trip to learn how to deal with the exploding Biden migrant population residing illegally in his city. He met with the pope.


Candidates for Las Vegas mayor trade barbs over Badlands at Fontainebleau forum…

The top three candidates for Las Vegas mayor sharply disagreed about what to do about the Badlands development lawsuit during a mayoral debate Wednesday.


Should personal controversies surrounding a mayoral candidate impact their chances of being elected, or should the focus be solely on their policies and vision for the city?

 @9MK32N9 from Massachusetts answered…4wks4W

Both. You need a mixture of both to be able to elect a candidate that you believe will help support your beliefs.


If two leading mayoral candidates have completely opposite views on a major city issue, like land development, how would you decide which one to support?


How would you feel if a mayoral candidate you supported pulled out of a debate last minute, and would that change your view on their suitability for office?

 @9MJSFYLfrom Virgin Islands commented…4wks4W

My views of him would change since he can't defend his own policies and values against the values he claims to fight