Try the political quiz

10 Replies

 @ShyHedgehogLeft-Wing Populism from California commented…3wks3W

Trump's brief break from his trial to attend his son's graduation, only to rush off to a political fundraiser, shows that even family milestones are just stepping stones in his relentless pursuit of power.

 @BoredCardinalLibertarian from Minnesota commented…3wks3W

Seeing Trump prioritize his son's graduation amidst his packed political schedule really puts a human face on the constant balancing act public figures have to manage between their personal lives and their political careers.

 @PollingPlaceTommyRight-Wing Populismfrom Florida commented…3wks3W

It's refreshing to see a leader like Trump, who, despite the constant barrage of media scrutiny and legal challenges, doesn't lose sight of what truly matters - family. Attending Barron's graduation amidst his hectic schedule and legal battles shows a side of him that the mainstream media often ignores, proving he's more than just his political persona. Then, heading straight to Minnesota to support the party shows his unwavering dedication to the cause. It's this kind of resilience and commitment to both family and country that truly sets him apart from the politicians who seem to forget their roots once they hit the political stage.


Donald Trump attends Barron’s graduation before heading to fundraiser…

Former President Donald Trump will head to Minnesota on a day off from his hush money trial ... after attending his son Barron’s high school graduation in Florida. Trump attended the graduation Friday morning with his wife, Melania Trump, and her father ...


Donald Trump attends son Barron’s high school graduation…

Former President Donald Trump will head to Minnesota on a day off from his hush money trial ... after attending his son Barron’s high school graduation in Florida. Trump attended the graduation Friday morning with his wife, Melania Trump, and her father ...


Trump attends Barron's high school graduation, then heads to Minnesota to campaign…

Former President Donald Trump will head to Minnesota on a day off from his hush money trial ... after attending his son Barron's high school graduation in Florida. Trump attended the graduation Friday morning with his wife, Melania Trump, and her father ...


Does attending a family milestone amidst a busy political agenda change your perception of a political figure?


Should personal commitments take precedence over professional obligations, especially for public figures?


How do you feel about a political figure attending family events amidst legal and political challenges?

 @9MK573DRepublican  from Michigan commented…3wks3W

These chargers look like ELECTION INTERFERENCE to me…right down to waiting until the date of his youngest son’s High school graduation to go to trial.