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22 Replies

 @NeedyMinorityWhipLibertarian from Wisconsin commented…2wks2W

The deal has to be this:

If you are a biological man who wishes to impersonate a woman, fine, we’ll respect your personal freedom of choice as long as you in turn agree to respect the rights of biological women and you do not cross the line and try to assert those same rights for yourself.

If you do not respect the rights of biological women, don’t expect respect for your personal freedom of passing yourself off as a woman.

 @RepublicPepperSocialist from California disagreed…2wks2W

They don't pass themselves off as women, they TRY to pass themselves off as a woman. It never works.

They expect us to participate in their delusion.

  @Madeline1208 from Indiana disagreed…2wks2W

The transphobia is the real delusion

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina disagreed…2wks2W

"Transphobia" is one of the stupidest words in the English language, because "phobia" means "fear." None of us members of Team Sanity thinks transgenderites are scary – we think they're feeble and stupid and mentally insane weaklings.

  @Madeline1208  from Indiana disagreed…2wks2W

"team sanity" is crazy

first of all, phobia means irrational fear OR hatred.

second of all, quit projecting your weakness onto me, you slime.

lastly, I have a Masters Degree in Engineering but I guess that isn't valid since I'm trans :)

 @CampaignMayaPatriotfrom Maine commented…2wks2W

Here is the big question:

Where, oh where, are the feminists? Just where is the National Organization for Women?

Their deafening silence on this issue exposes them for what they are, intellectual lightweights willing to bow to their progressive overlords as they implement insane transgender policies that damage the feminists' core constituency.

Shameful is too kind a word to describe this political cowardice.

 @PollingTermiteForward from Maine agreed…2wks2W

The policy of allowing men to compete as women has a disparate impact on women. And if you follow the left's ideology, there shouldn't even be a difference between men's and women's sports. They should all compete in the same event. After all, the left claims there's no difference.

 @BlissfulReformNo Labelsfrom Missouri commented…2wks2W

How can the president appease a tiny minority of mentally confused individuals at the detriment of half of our population?

 @DrearyMallardVeteranfrom Maine agreed…2wks2W

By the large damaged group not speaking up which is the current case. The loudest voice is the "confused" voice.

 @QuicheClaireUnity from Texas commented…2wks2W

Stop treating “gender identity” as a civil rights issue; it is a mental illness issue. People afflicted with “gender identity” problems need medical care.

But they don't belong in women's locker rooms or on women's high school or college teams.

 @PopulistApplesLibertarian from Pennsylvania commented…2wks2W

It is a mental illness issue, but it won't be fixed by medical care. The medical establishment bears a large responsibility for the problem, by deferring to corrupt organizations like WPATH, that churn out manufactured studies to promote the lifestyle.

This is a social contagion problem exacerbated by a culture of rabid narcissists who "celebrate" victimhood and have no concept of common decency.

 @L1beralCamilaGreen from Florida commented…2wks2W

The change to Title IX is shocking, but the current administration showed its hand when a transgender person was acclaimed Woman of the Year.

  @Madeline1208  from Indiana commented…2wks2W

us trans people getting equal rights and opportunities is not infringing upon cis women and girls. grow up.

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina disagreed…2wks2W

If you need to prop up your false, delusional, "identity" by forcing everyone to celebrate it, that's a sign your "identity" is false, as well as sign that you're a narcissist.

  @Madeline1208 from Indiana disagreed…2wks2W

when did I force anyone to celebrate my identity

if you're referring to the trans day of remembrance is a holiday to remember trans people who were murdered. Nobody asked you to celebrate it if you don't want

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina commented…2wks2W

Transgender people force everyone to celebrate their identity by demanding that we use made-up "pronouns" and crying if we don't. Also, loads of transgenderites are literally so hypersensitive that whenever anyone refuses to play along with their game, they threaten to commit suicide – the most narcissistic thing imaginable. And the notion that trans people are being murdered, or that there's a "trans genocide" in America is BS. When you actually examine the statistics correctly, and factor in everything, transgenderites are *SAFER* than the average white…  Read more


How does the inclusion of gender identity in Title IX protections impact your view on equality and fairness in schools?


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