Pruebe el concurso político

1 Respuesta

 @9LYFB35de Maine contestada…1 mes1MO

No, cortar todo el apoyo y la ayuda, y dárselo a Palestina. Garantizar los acuerdos de paz firmados y el orden internacional liberal en Oriente Próximo.

 @98GNJ4Cde Virgin Islands contestada…1 año1Y

Se debería apoyar a Israel por la compatibilidad étnico-racial con los americanos de ascendencia europea, los fundadores del país, pero se debería condenar el ataque a Palestina-

 @2HR85VLde New Jersey contestada…4 años4Y

Yes, but we should not let Israel dicate our Middle-East policy on matters such as Iran

 @N6923X de Michigan contestada…4 años4Y

the palestinians do not want to co-exist with Israel under any circumstances, no matter what they demand or Israel agrees to--they'll keep moving the goalpost. we helped create this situation when we promulgated the Jewish state in the 40's. at some point the middle east will explode (thanks to our gutless president) & Iran will launch a nuke on them. we need to be there because Israel cannot fight battles on all fronts; our support (with a president with cajones) will dissuade arab countries fro ganging up on israel.

 @N42GX3 de New York contestada…4 años4Y

We should support countries that conduct themselves with the values supported by the MAJORITY of americans. Not the people with the most money or power. If our contry does support hunting down and killing people publicly, then do not support a country who does. If we do support hunting down and killing people, we should support them

 @MY57GM de Indiana contestada…4 años4Y

Israel is a foreign country which ought not to be treated differently than any other friendly nation or ally. Certainly there should not be a slavish support for a theocracy which has demonstrated many times that it will kill Americans if it seems to be a good idea at the time. Don't forget the 34 sailors they murdered in their deliberate and knowing attack on the U.S.S. Liberty. First they lied and said that they didn't do it - somebody else is responsible. They never had a decent excuse why their aircraft and attack boats were made unidentifiable and did not show Israeli colors. When faced with overwhelming evidence, the finally admitted what they had done, but it was all just a big mistake. We should have broken all diplomatic and other ties with them at the time and forced them to earn back our trust.

 @LXCZQL de Oregon contestada…4 años4Y

 @LX5JDT de Ohio contestada…4 años4Y

I think we need to help our nation first before we help others. Once our economy is stabilized and our national debt is gone I think we can assist other countries.

 @LL8RNZ de New Mexico contestada…4 años4Y

Stop the massive financial support
Let Israel behave as any other nation on the planet.
Why do they deserve preferential treatment
They are occupying the region and behaving like the
Germans did with them.
They make the region extremely volatile with their constant
war rhetoric


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