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 @2J9F4DGfra New Jersey besvarede…4 år4Y

This is a very difficult question and I feel that Mr Obama and Mr Kerry have been dealing in fairy dust. Nice story but not believable. I think it was purposeful that Mr Netanyahu referred to Persia during his address before the Congress. There are delusional people at the head of the Iranian regime and with Putin as a neighbor it almost makes you feel nostalgic about the Soviet Union.

 @2J27XHBfra Pennsylvania besvarede…4 år4Y

We should utilize covert operations to prevent Iran from ever having full nuclear capability. We should increase sanctions to isolate Iran economically, support opposition to the regime within Iran and keep open as a last resort plans to act with military force against Iran's nuclear facilities.

 @2J24HZ9fra Oregon besvarede…4 år4Y

No, unless we are ready to declare war on another country, we have no business deciding what they can or cannot do with their own weapons programs.

 @2HZDDVDfra Alabama besvarede…4 år4Y

Yes, Iran has no legitimate use for fissionable materials.
All nuclear sites (regardless of banality) should be destroyed, immediately.
No, Iranian, Pakistani, Indian, Chinese, Russian, or student from potentially problematic country shall be permitted to study nuclear science.

 @2HYWY63fra Kentucky besvarede…4 år4Y

I am an American who feels that we have taken on the role of the world's parent without being asked most of the time....this, to me, is much the same as having a nosy neighbor who sticks their nose in your business without being asked and very much wonder our military costs are so exorbitant.

 @2HWLJPZfra Nevada besvarede…4 år4Y

Yes, but only if the United States is prepared for an all out War in the Middle East. That means total commitment to overthrowing the Iranian Radically Islamist Regime. It is silly to win a battle and lose a war.

 @2HTXQZRfra Arkansas besvarede…4 år4Y

Yes, but only after "reasonable diplomatic options fail" AND, if intelligence provides undeniable evidence they are making weapons

 @2HR76NRfra Virginia besvarede…4 år4Y

 @2HQZG98fra Texas besvarede…4 år4Y

 @2HQKVQ6fra Texas besvarede…4 år4Y

No, you're gonna blow a whole country with all that nuclear weapon, leaving a big impact against the citizens of that country. We're only out to fight what is wrong, not create a genocide.

 @2HQFVB8fra Minnesota besvarede…4 år4Y

 @2HQ5MJTfra Florida besvarede…4 år4Y

This reality will become increasingly the only option if Iran fails to comply with any treaty's terms, once Iran recoups their frozen billions the dangers to ours warriors will increase, and the chance for success diminishes.

 @2HQ4VB7Socialistiskefra Washington besvarede…4 år4Y

No, should Iran's nuclear weapons program get out of control a cyber attack would be far more effective, and have no collateral damage.

 @2HQ4KC6fra California besvarede…4 år4Y

Yes, but only in the event that we receive <reliable> intelligence that would lead us to believe that otherwise such nuclear weapons would be used offensively rather than as a defensive deterrent.

 @2HQ4JW7fra Alabama besvarede…4 år4Y

No, because it would cause more tension between the countries and also hurt the environment if a nuclear plant is just destroyed.

 @2HQ2VHZfra Indiana besvarede…4 år4Y

Although I support the reduction of Iran's nuclear weapons, airstriking a nuclear facility causes larger environmental, health, political, and social issues.

 @2HPY8WJfra Virginia besvarede…4 år4Y

No; cease attacks and sanctions on Iran and provide reparations for crimes committed against the Iranians, which pursuing the crimes and human rights abuses of the Iranian state by legal, reasonable means.

 @lbgagefra Arizona besvarede…4 år4Y

No. But the U.S. should provide nuclear weapons to Israel to provide a deterrent to nuclear weapons being used against Israel.

 @2HP725Qfra Tennessee besvarede…4 år4Y

No, but Iran should be threatened with sure destruction if it detonated a nuclear weapon outside its borders.

 @2HP3V24fra Maine besvarede…4 år4Y

 @2HNVNZ6fra Illinois besvarede…4 år4Y

 @2HNTDKYfra New York besvarede…4 år4Y

Not by airstrike but by ground to reduce fatalities and reduce damage to the country

 @2HNNWF4fra Wisconsin besvarede…4 år4Y

 @2HNMTFGfra Virginia besvarede…4 år4Y

Only if they are in violation of the terms of the nuclear proliferation agreements, and only if all other options have been exhausted.

 @2HNLYJFfra Virginia besvarede…4 år4Y

Only if we know they are making weapons. We should not be bombing peaceful nuclear energy plants.

 @2HNJ3FNfra Michigan besvarede…4 år4Y

No, because sending airstrikes on Iran's nuclear weapons facilities could possibly cause radiation to harm innocent civilians.

 @2HN9ZX8fra Massachusetts besvarede…4 år4Y

 @2HN687VRepublikanskefra Kansas besvarede…4 år4Y

 @2HN4M6Yfra Missouri besvarede…4 år4Y

Not necessary. The U.S. should not be the only country involved in stemming Iran's rampant hostility, nor ISIS, nor any terrorist group. If Iran lacked the ability and the money to create such facilities, there would not be a need to perform an airstrike. That would require the involvement of multiple countries working in concert.

 @2HMFK4Rfra Washington besvarede…4 år4Y

Yes, only with substantial evidence and if Iran refuses inspections. I support the idea of Iran having the right to use Nuclear power as an energy source but I am against them(and anyone else) obtaining nuclear weapons. I fear they would be used against Isreal someday causing more chaos across the middle east and possibly starting a World War/Nuclear War.

 @2HM25MYfra California besvarede…4 år4Y

No, but the US should support other countries in their conduct of airstrikes against Iran's nuclear weapons.

 @2HLRW9Wfra Kansas besvarede…4 år4Y

Certainly, if we can identify where and what they are. Screwing around the way we are will guarantee that some country will take the situation into there own hands.

 @2HLP85Hfra Georgia besvarede…4 år4Y

The Bible tells us to be good stewards of the Earth. Creating a nuclear catastrophe violates that instruction.

 @2HLKKGSfra Texas besvarede…4 år4Y

Iran is a rogue nation - isolate them and cut them off - then watch how long the poisonous serpent survives.