Try the political quiz

8 Replies

 @9GW4QYG from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

The climate is going in the tubes and nothing is really getting done about it. Throw money from NASA at the climate.

 @9LZ76K8 from Michigan agreed…1mo1MO

Understanding and exploring space IS important work but I feel it is MORE important to save OUR PLANET and do all the things we need to in order to concentrate on that more than ever!!!


there is many people on earth, it isn't fair to abandon them, and leave the suffering heat and drowning they would meet, there would also be no recovery if something went wrong in the situation that something goes wrong. where the few people who would leave go, and how would the vastly different planet affect their health.

 @9GNV7GSLibertarian from Tennessee agreed…7mos7MO

Space exploration, is just that. Looking for answers about where and how and when the universe “happened” is wasted time, money, resources, and effort. Knowing how we happened does nothing to help us where we are right now.

 @9G39TRK from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Why should we sit back and wait for some devastating event that could cause the end of the world. We could terraform a planet and create another living space planet to house people in case of over population or a ending world event. We won't know the far vast world outside of earth if we do not fund our space exploration.


There's no guarantee that there's another earth-like planet close enough for us to even reach, and it would also be a waste of a one in a million planet to destroy this one.

 @9FNP8R4Peace and Freedom from Nevada agreed…9mos9MO

Earth is being damaged by the contamination and natural disasters, that are being provoked by our own actions.

 @9GYWVLR  from Oklahoma agreed…7mos7MO

space is nice, we have gps and sattalite television, but ultimately everyone lives on earth and earth is far more important.


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