Try the political quiz

4 Replies

  @Lola3NPB  from California commented…3yrs3Y

Interesting point.

Do the other teachers that you work with feel the same or would most of them prefer to carry agun?

 @9685YCK from California commented…2yrs2Y

I had a teacher who was a retired cop who felt that if he were to be given a gun for protection, he would then become the target as he is the first obstacle. He also felt unsafe should an untrained teacher be given a gun.

 @922GZZM from Kentucky commented…2yrs2Y

Personally, I do not believe that metal detectors will stop someone if they really want to hurt kids in the school. I don't think that metal detectors will stop them. If you don't mind, could you elaborate on why you wouldn't carry a gun even if it meant you would have better chances to protect your students?

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