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13 Replies

 @8QZ3QLM from Mississippi disagreed…3yrs3Y

Hope you're not being serious. My wife and her entire family are Mexican immigrants and are some of the best people I've met. Not just them, but the Latin-American immigrants, some of them illegal, are absolutely awesome people.

The problem isn't the people. The problem is an immigration system that overtly takes advantage of people who want a better life. When you take into consideration the fees that a person needs to pay and then the exchange rate of all of that combined its an insurmountable obstacle for those of lesser means. My wife has her residency, but even that cost…  Read more

 @8QZQKYS from Virginia commented…3yrs3Y

Most immigrants are not rapists and criminals. It's extremely racist and close-minded to lump a whole group of people into one negative category. There are many rapists and criminals in America, but other countries do not view us as a country of only rapists and criminals. That's the same type of logic you displayed in your comment.

 @8WJGF6WLibertarian from New York commented…3yrs3Y

 @imby0 from Virginia commented…3yrs3Y

That isn't how it works. The majority of people who are immigrants aren't bad people they are just resorting to measures to stay alive because of people with similar beliefs as you. A group is not one person, a group is a lot of different and similar ideas and ideals.


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