Try the political quiz

68 Replies

 @97LZ4CQ from Washington answered…1yr1Y

 @95N3TPQ from Washington answered…2yrs2Y

 @95HP59V from Washington answered…2yrs2Y

I do think that democrats are the lesser of two evils but they do not follow through on their promises and large corporations have them in their back pocket.

 @8YCRZKL from Washington answered…2yrs2Y

 @8XPHLFF from Washington answered…2yrs2Y

Neither party represents the views of their constituents, currently.

 @8X7J3FN from Washington answered…2yrs2Y

 @8WJW8KQ from Washington answered…3yrs3Y

 @92PK6L5 from Washington answered…2yrs2Y

 @92LX7VK from Washington answered…2yrs2Y


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