Try the political quiz

217 Replies

 @8T286G2from Guam answered…3yrs3Y

 @8Q84MLWfrom Guam answered…3yrs3Y

 @8PWWNJYfrom New Jersey answered…3yrs3Y

 @8PNRFP8from New York answered…3yrs3Y

A measured balance would be a hood idea moving ahead to reduce this private/public polarity.

 @8PJJJRGfrom Oregon answered…3yrs3Y

Set up lucrative partnerships with private businesses and build world quality facilities and healthcare.

 @8NJN9DPfrom Oregon answered…3yrs3Y

The Govt should mandate that the working populace set aside funds in order to purchase a stake in a National Healthcare Provident. Primarily Public with significant Private influence.

 @8KR23RFfrom Guam answered…3yrs3Y

Public healthcare in a big nation like ours is a must but since it means limited funds, Private healthcare have a role of their own to improve & produce new ways which Public ones don't have much of a chance to do

 @8D86BRPfrom Illinois answered…4yrs4Y

Both are important because public sector is useful for low income families. The private sector can be for people who can afford it.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...10yrs10Y

The private sector should not be involved in healthcare

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...10yrs10Y

The public sector should not be involved in healthcare