Try the political quiz

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 @LogicalJourneyLibertarian from Alabama disagreed…11mos11MO

ou like some elements of freedom but to you liberty is far too radical, so it must be blended with the horrors of tyranny and sacrificed to the golden idol of equity and compassion. To you our economy, our rights, and our very nations must be bound up and crucified to a cross of political correctness. I

It's essential to recognize that advocating for a balance between individual freedom and social support does not equate to endorsing tyranny or sacrificing liberties. The goal is to create a society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive while ensuring that the most vulnerable are not left behind.

For example, consider the implementation of a progressive tax system, which aims to reduce income inequality and provide essential social services without infringing on individual rights. This approach allows for a more equitable distribution of resources, giving everyone access to essen…  Read more

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