Try the political quiz

19 Replies

 @CharismaticPolenta from Pennsylvania commented…11mos11MO

That’s her only shot to remain in office

 @BearKenAmerican from Minnesota agreed…11mos11MO

AOC is only here for herself and her political aspirations, just like most politicians in DC.

 @R3publicanAurora from Missouri commented…11mos11MO

 @C0nstituti0nUnicornfrom Guam commented…11mos11MO

Sellouts abound in Congress. But hers is notable for the huge gap between purported principles and actions. If you sell a "principles and values" message to your constituents but fold so easily based on status-anxiety, it's esp mock-able even among All the Clowns in Clowntown.

 @B1llOfRightsZebra from New York agreed…11mos11MO

Populists like her are too easy to buy off.

 @C0nstituti0nUnicornfrom Guam agreed…11mos11MO

The good life (whether status or money or both) is a tranquilizer dart for humans. But it's esp ironic for left politicians who, it turns out, are only cos-playing Marxists.

 @EffervescentDebat3 from Wisconsin agreed…11mos11MO

 @DejectedNarwhalDemocratfrom Virginia agreed…11mos11MO

Sorry, the cluster bomb announcement serves as some kind of contrast. Good for the Biden administration for approving them, good for AOC if she supports it.

 @DopeyAntelopeRepublican from Washington D.C. disagreed…11mos11MO

AOC -- who ran her 2018 primary campaign based on a vow to wage war against the Democratic Party DC establishment -- announces her support for Joe Biden's re-election in the Democratic Party primary, on the day he announced cluster bombs for Ukraine

 @PorpoiseSophie from Arizona disagreed…11mos11MO

This tweet is factually incorrect, with the right education on cluster munitions and unexploded ordinance and their effect on children, it would have never been sent.

Cluster munitions are comprised of small plastic encased explosives that have various interesting shapes in order to fit inside different bombs. Sometimes, the bomblets can even take the rough shape of a butterfly, which is why the real victims of cluster munitions and unexploded ordinance left over from them, are children- who are severely maimed or killed when they pick them up thinking they are toys. Unexploded ordinance…  Read more

 @RightW1ngBrady from Nebraska commented…11mos11MO

Omg… AOC… what did they threaten you with?

What the heck?

Biden’s handlers don’t want the war in Ukraine to end.

They only care about weakening Russia. Why are they so intent on causing a world war?

We need leaders who lead with love.

Who will stand up and lead with love?

AOC… you sold out.

Maybe you should have run for parliament instead AOC, since the rest of them are toddlers throwing tantrums.

Say no to WW3!!!

End corruption, raise up leaders who lead with love.

To the future

 @MindfulLardfrom Oregon disagreed…11mos11MO

Threat? She looks around to see which side is winning. She looks to see how well backers of the winning side have been compensated. She's looking to have fat stacks, probably through insider trading.

 @BoastfulMinority from New Jersey commented…11mos11MO

Everyone in the USA should vote for Biden. If you people in the USA vote for ron death santos and scammer trump. You people will destroy yourselves. Trump and desataos will do everything in their power to take all your rights as try to become dictators. Get out ad vote people

 @L0bbyistStellafrom Illinois disagreed…11mos11MO

No, I use logic and reasoning which is why I am not a neo-liberal like you. Supporting either party will mean the end of the way of life in the US. Stop licking the boot on your throat and see it for what it is.

 @ConstitutionalStella from Indiana commented…11mos11MO

Ron is spot-on. A DeSantis or Trump win would generate a Berlin, 1935 scenario and probably the end of the democratic republic of the United States.

 @SoulfulRaisinsRepublican from Indiana disagreed…11mos11MO

You Bernie mopes still don't get it. Biden has done far more "progressive" things than any prez since probably LBJ. But that's never enough for you clowns; you constantly whine for more and more, completely ignoring the congressional tightrope he has to walk. Give him his due

 @ThrillingMuesli from Indiana disagreed…11mos11MO

What's "sad" is saying that AOC should've held out for concessions from Biden in exchange for her support. A united front against a splintered GOP is a welcome change much needed by Dems.

Dems in 2024 need a decisive victory over the GOP to save the nation. Unity is strength.

 @DolphinSidRepublican from Iowa commented…11mos11MO

The DC establishment knows she is a useful tool, even though it feels like her 15 minutes is up to most of us.

 @ArdentActiv1st from Texas commented…11mos11MO

I find it interesting how rigidly uncompromising the Democratic Party is on carbon restrictions when our largest global competitors aren’t, but when it comes to radioactive munitions that should have been banned years ago, they’d prefer to put the health of generations of Ukrainian and Russian lives at risk. Their value goalpost moves with consolidating power, not with moral high ground, and their human rights activism has become insincere political ops.


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