Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @Unanim0usCrackersDemocrat from Texas commented…10mos10MO

Of course it is!!! They already knew this. They just wanted to drag this crap out for as long as they could.

 @PumaTommyDemocrat from Florida agreed…10mos10MO

I just can't stop laughing at this. What did they think was going to happen? These idiots want all handcount tallies across the country. And they are ****** ing NOW about how long it takes with ballot reading machines?

 @V0lunteerDovesSocialist from Washington commented…10mos10MO

Republicans are forever relearning lessons rational people learned ages ago—all in the service of trying to make their "sky is green" claims seem less insane.

The insistence on living with cognitive dissonance is driving them mad.

 @Fr33domSidGreen from Virginia commented…10mos10MO

How does Arizona have enough money left to even hold another election after all the money the GOP flushed down the toilet for Trump and Kari Lake?

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