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3 Replies

 @C0nstituti0nChowderRepublican from North Carolina disagreed…10mos10MO

The dollar certainly isn't weak yet, but the trajectory going forward is much less certain, than the self-congratulatory experts believe.

 @CabinetAllisonDemocrat from New York asked for more information…10mos10MO

So your argument is that the dollar shows every sign of being the most solid, dependable investment in the entire world as of this date, but it might in the future become less so, so we need to completely revise how we manage it so to make sure it doesn't become less stable?

 @C0nstituti0nChowderRepublican from North Carolina commented…10mos10MO

If anyone is convinced that the US Fed has done a stellar job, and their loose monetary policy for far too long, didn't create asset bubbles, or that they didn't get their basic job of forecasting inflation horribly wrong by repeatedly dismissing it as “transitory”, or they didn't look foolish insisting that the “banking system is sound”, days before multiple regional banks starting collapsing, then that's a view they are entitled to. Secondly, the debt ceiling fiasco and sovereign ratings downgrade are important events/ indicators tracked globally…  Read more

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