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Should the U.S. build a wall along the southern border?

We just need to find a way to reduce illegal immigration whether that be a wall, increase patrol, or…

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…9mos9MO

Why not them citizenship? Take the illegal part out of immigration to begin with and this all ceases to be an issue.

 @9DRRZJZ from Alaska commented…9mos9MO

A country without borders isn't a country, VulcanMan. Illegal aliens must be deported or they'll hijack our country

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…9mos9MO

Countries are made up, dude. Borders are made up too; they're just imaginary lines on a map. If anything, the existence of independent countries has only ever hindered humanity, so if abolishing borders means abolishing countries, then that's just even better.

Secondly, this is a nation of immigrants in the first place, so I'm not sure what xenophobic/white supremacist nonsense you're attempting to argue by saying "hijack our country", as if we're not just a melting pot to begin with.