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Defiant Menendez doubles down against resignation calls

 @ShamefulCamelGreen from Massachusetts commented…9mos9MO

The Supreme Court has been explicitly telling politicians that flagrant, grotesque corruption will now be considered perfectly legal.

In 2016, justices UNANIMOUSLY overturned the corruption conviction of fmr VA Gov. McDonnell, essentially saying gifts may be exchanged for certain government favors.

Menendez weaponized that to fight a past indictment & will likely try to do so again.

SCOTUS justices now have a PERSONAL motive to try to protect Menendez from prosecutors - justices' own acceptance of gifts from those with business before the court mimics the alleged scheme detailed in the Menendez indictment.

Supreme Court justices will likely be personally averse to criminalizing the same behavior we now know that they themselves routinely engage in.

 @UniqueFerretSocialist from New Jersey commented…9mos9MO

Didn't the advent of the Citizens United ruling kind of make that obvious complete with double underscoring?

I mean...Corporations Are People...really?

 @ShamefulCamelGreen from Massachusetts commented…9mos9MO

 @UniqueFerretSocialist from New Jersey commented…9mos9MO

Here's the real problem . They ALL do this. Menendez is not the exception, he's the rule.

This is yet another reason why money has to be taken out of politics and the "good old boy" system criminalized with extreme prejudice.