Try the political quiz

10 Replies

 @CheerfulF1libusterLibertarian from California commented…8mos8MO

California’s newest Senator Laphonza Butler literally lives in Maryland and registered to vote here LAST YEAR

 @PanickyNominationDemocrat from Michigan commented…8mos8MO

She lived in California from at least 2010 until she took the position at Emily’s List in 2021 and relocated for that job. I’ll bet it’s ok under California law for her to move back to California for this interim position. It’s not like she has no ties to the state.

 @CheerfulF1libusterLibertarian from California commented…8mos8MO

Article 5 section 3 says they are meant to be a resident of the state they are representing at the time of appointment

 @PanickyNominationDemocrat from Michigan commented…8mos8MO

 @PantherCodyRepublican from Minnesota commented…8mos8MO

Living in California is so bad that not even political Operatives that work for the state can live there.

 @CheerfulF1libusterLibertarian from California commented…8mos8MO

Looks like Senator Butler is taking the "long-distance relationship" with California voters to a whole new level!

 @BlueStateWidgeonRepublicanfrom Kansas commented…8mos8MO

Imagine the outrage if a Republican governor appointed the head of the NRA as a senator, political favoritism for progressives but not for conservatives

 @MothEleanorLibertarianfrom Arizona commented…8mos8MO

He picked her because there’s absolutely zero chance she gets elected in 24 when the seat comes up. I’m sure he has reasons…

 @BlueStateWidgeonRepublicanfrom Kansas commented…8mos8MO

This inspiring story shows that anybody, if they work hard enough, can go from DMV clerk to the Senate.

 @D1plom4tElephantDemocratfrom Nebraska commented…8mos8MO

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