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2 Replies

 @CampaignBasmatiIndependent from Vermont disagreed…8mos8MO

While it is true that the states you mentioned have high rates of gun-related deaths, it's crucial to consider the context. Many of these states have high rates of poverty and other socio-economic issues, which contribute to higher crime rates overall, not just gun-related crimes.

On the international stage, countries with strict gun control laws like the UK and Australia do have lower gun-related deaths. However, this doesn't account for other forms of violence. For instance, in the UK, knife crime is a significant issue, with the Office for National Statistics reporting a surge…  Read more

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas agreed…8mos8MO

I'm glad you pointed that out, because yes, gun control alone will ultimately not address the root causes of crime in the first place, and action needs to be taken on those things as well. Alongside gun control, policies that improve the material conditions of all people, such as guaranteeing access to food, shelter, healthcare, education, transportation, and all the other basic human needs necessary for a fulfilling life in society are infinitely more important to preventing crime, inequality, and exploitation. These kinds of guarantees are an absolute must, at a bare minimum, for a healthy society.

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