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What is your stance on abortion?

Pro-choice, and providing birth control, sex education, and more social services will help reduce th…

  @92DR7QC from Arizona agreed…8mos8MO

Top Agreement

If more people understand how sex works and they are able to obtain condoms/birth control, they will be able to prevent unsafe sex. People will have sex no matter if they were taught or if they can obtain birth control, so it's important to make sure they understand how to be safe and provide the resources to do so.

 @9GB86RW  from Maryland disagreed…8mos8MO

I think that abortion is bad because you would be killing a innocent unborn baby who has not even yet to enter this world.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

No one has a right to use another person's body to begin with, even a fetus.