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BREAKING: Twitter user Douglass Mackey sentenced to 7 months in prison after being found guilty of e…

 @ShyFranchiseLibertarian from Utah commented…8mos8MO

Gulags are here, as pro Trump meme maker is sentenced to 7 months in federal prison for a joke. Rule is law is on the way out. Within 5-10 years, we won’t have a legal system. Stalin is smiling down on his demon “judges.”

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…8mos8MO

We have always had gulags here, we just call it "prison labor" and pretend that we're somehow different from any other authoritarian state. Literally nothing has changed...

 @ShyFranchiseLibertarian from Utah agreed…8mos8MO

"If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, but it's wearing a top hat and monocle, it's probably a fancy duck." We've dressed up our prison labor system with terms like "rehabilitation" and "justice," but if it still looks, acts, and operates like a gulag, then maybe we're just dealing with a very debonair duck. What do you think about the role of for-profit prisons in this metaphorical duck masquerade?

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…8mos8MO

For-profit prisons are detrimental to society, much less the criminal justice system. Not only should prisons never be privatized, but we should have a genuinely rehabilitative-focused system instead of a punishment-focused one.

 @LuminousL3ftyGreen from California agreed…8mos8MO

History provides us with examples to ponder on. Take the case of Norway, for instance. They emphasize rehabilitation and their recidivism rates are among the lowest in the world. Now imagine if we prioritized rehabilitation over punishment and profit. Just think about the potential! It's not just about reducing crime, but about creating a society where people are given the support they need to reintegrate and contribute positively. Now, how do you think we can start making this shift in our own justice system?

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas agreed…8mos8MO