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26 Replies

 @9GGMS5GProgressive  from Mississippi disagreed…8mos8MO

People who want to use guns to cause harm will get them one way or another. Citizens should be allowed to own firearms within reason to protect themselves, however, we should expand background checks, require training, keep better track of those in possession, and eliminate access for those with criminal records.

 @SuperiorPartis4nWomen’s Equality from Kentucky disagreed…8mos8MO

we should expand background checks, require training, keep better track of those in possession,

A person living in a high-crime neighborhood might not have the time or money to go through extensive training or wait for extensive background checks. They need immediate protection.


Guns bring protection and are needed for defense. Guns don't kill people, it's the person wielding the gun.

 @9GG9TT4Republican from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Guns are needed in this country since they provide protection for the common man. To protect yourself and your property. They are vital and are part of the foundation this country was founded on. The Founding Fathers were very interested in and supported the evolution of firearms. The liberals rarely know what they're talking about regarding guns.

 @9GHZR94  from Colorado disagreed…8mos8MO

Guns are not an issue, it is the people who take part in violent actions that are an issue. If guns were not accessible, some other form of weapon would take their place.

 @9GHC658Republican from California disagreed…8mos8MO

If there aren't guns then it's blades or something else which will only make it more difficult for people to defend themselves. An old lady can't stop a man from mugging her with a blade, but with one pull of the trigger she is safe. Banning guns only makes it more difficult for decent citizens to obtain them while criminals will always find a way.

 @9GG4ZPKRepublican from Arkansas disagreed…8mos8MO

I disagree with that statement entirely and I believe that guns should be allowed and they are necessary in police force and military as well as hunting, collections, and many other situations, especially home defense and personal defense as we as Americans under the 2nd amendment have a right to bear arms and a right to protect ourselves.

 @9GG8TYB from California disagreed…8mos8MO

If guns wernt around, people would be killing eachother with knives and bats. If people want to kill eachother, they will.

 @9GJDNXG from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

Guns don't kill, people kill. Criminals will always have guns and without the public having guns there will not be any way to protect yourself.

 @9GGSD9W from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

A gun is just a tool which can be used for good or bad. We have the right to self-defense and a gun is sometimes the best tool for the job.

 @9GHWY32 from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Guns are needed in the circustance. That those same people that wished to harm otherss with a gn when it was available is now trying to kill me with another means. I will wish I could have shot them before getting stabbed or strangled. People and the internet bring violence to the world. We need guns to protect us from the posined minds of today's youth.


Guns dont shoot themselves so it is in fact the people that use them, just because of other peoples actions that doesnt mean other people should get their seconds amendment right violated.

 @9GG68M7Republican  from Wisconsin disagreed…8mos8MO

If guns are gone, the violence will just increase with any other weapon people can find, and they will try harder to get the guns if they are outlawed.

 @9GG5Q8J  from Arkansas disagreed…8mos8MO

But guns are here. The cartel brings in guns from mexico, as well as other criminal societies. If we had no guns, there would be no defense against those that illegally own guns. If we do have guns then we can protect ourselves. Instead of making it harder to get guns, make it worse for those that use them wrongfully. A death penalty for murder should be required instead. Make people not want to do the bad things so they don't do them.

 @9GHB5G8  from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

Look around the world at countries that have taken gun rights away. See the abuse of power by government and how citizens now have no way of protecting themselves. Guns will always be there, bad people will always find a way to obtain them illegally. Leaving law abiding citizens defenseless!

 @CardinalArtRepublicanfrom Maine disagreed…8mos8MO

Countries like Japan and the UK, where strict gun control laws have led to significantly lower gun crime rates and overall homicide rates, compared to countries with lax gun laws. In these countries, the police force is also generally unarmed.

In the case of Japan, they have some of the strictest gun laws in the world and yet, their crime rates are incredibly low. In fact, in 2017, Japan had only three reported gun deaths compared to the United States' 39,773.

 @9GHYZY3 from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

Weapons of any sort are inanimate objects that require human agency, they are neither a source or cause of violence, nor are they necessary for violence to be carried out. The notion of "if guns weren't there to begin with" is completely irrelevant because guns and all weapons are already "there" and aren't going anywhere regardless of legality. An individual who truly wishes to use a firearm or any weapon to commit violence is going to acquire said weapon and attempt said violence regardless of difficulty and obstacles in doing so. To prevent this with certainty…  Read more

 @9GGCSGRfrom Maine disagreed…8mos8MO

Often guns are not the problem. Guns are the tools used to carry out the attack, the person holding the gun is the problem. A deranged individual with a gun brings immense danger to everyone, an individual carrying a gun to protect themselves and their family bring safety. The classic good guy with a gun vs. bad guy with a gun. The solution to gun violence isn't to ban all guns. Criminals will always find ways to obtain the weapons they desire, disregarding the law. Banning guns will prevent civilians from obtaining a gun to protect themselves from the criminal who unlawfully obtained a gun.

 @9GG7324 from Indiana disagreed…8mos8MO

guns are like machines, with a improper operator malfunction can occur, even if we didn't have guns, their would be a second option

 @9GGNVKG from New Hampshire disagreed…8mos8MO

Guns are not bad! It is the people that do not have a brain above their shoulders that are the bad ones. Even if guns were outlawed all bad people would still get there hands on a gun and go terrorize if they were determined to. There are plenty of smart gun owners out there that are responsible with their fire arms and use them for target shooting, hunting and have them for self defense aspects if there was ever a situation where your life felt threatened.

 @9GHDXXR from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

Guns are what prevent tyranny. If one is being assaulted in their home, or by an unjust government, their family, life, and way of living are being violated and should be protected. Saying guns are not needed will not stop violent things from happening, this is not some utopian society. People are scumbags, and I have every right to defend myself. The founders were concerned with tyranny and created the 2nd amendment to protect against it and I completely agree. Also, if people commit violent crimes, if they know they have opposition from virtuous citizens who will blast them if they do anything, naturally criminals will think twice about shooting up somewhere, if their "victims" could fight back, which would reduce violence.

 @9GG596P from California agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with this comment on gun control, considering it is the basis of the issue. The gun and the person who has it are at fault and no civilians should have guns for any reason at all.

 @9GHJQ6N from Virginia agreed…8mos8MO

Guns are not needed. People sell guns and sometimes they use the guns for illegal purpases. If it was illigal to carry a gun then the police would notice the only person that has a gun and will be more alert. Also police should be reduced to using tasers at most.

 @9GJ79L6Republican from Colorado disagreed…8mos8MO

Switzerland has the highest rate of gun ownership in the world and it has the lowest crime rate besides crooks will always have guns

 @9GG68VLConstitution from Utah disagreed…8mos8MO

I think that is wrong cause guns if taught how to be used correctly can be a great tool and method of protection.

 @9GHK2W9 from Michigan disagreed…8mos8MO

this is America land of the free U.S. citizens should have the right to own, carry, and shoot a gun (with proper paper work)


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