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What is your stance on abortion?


 @9GWDZ64  from Michigan agreed…7mos7MO

There are better options that should be prioritized over abortion. For those undergoing an 'unwanted pregnancy', they should be allowed to give birth as a 'surrogate' with the understanding that a want-to-be mother who cannot survive pregnancy and/or childbirth would be best served through adoption.

 @9GXB5M3  from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

Pregnancy can be dangerous for a woman’s health, a woman shouldn’t risk her life for a child she knows she won’t care for or want, therefore abortion is necessary.

 @9M785QQ  from Missouri disagreed…1mo1MO

i disagree with that because what did the baby do to deserve death.

what if i was your mother and i gave up on you how would you feel dying at a young age for no reason

also women shouldn't give up their baby because of their health they should at least put it up for adoption so the baby can have a family that actually wants it