Try the political quiz

12 Replies

 @CraneLouLibertarian from Pennsylvania commented…7mos7MO

Love how someone from Rockefeller NGO is the authority on China for the once respected FT. Where China slips, the U.S. crumbles.

 @SoreOctopusfrom Minnesota commented…7mos7MO

Hahaha. That explains the long standing ovation for the Chinese president Xi by the Us business elites. Cry about it.


How do you feel about the possibility of a world where China is no longer a leading economic power?

 @9H4DXZ3 from Utah answered…7mos7MO

I'm fine with that. I am concerned about their power being used for bad in the world.

 @9H4DWM7 from North Carolina answered…7mos7MO

It wont matter as long as they are not trying to takeover the world or bring danger to the world.


In your opinion, should other countries view China's economic reversal as an opportunity or a threat to global stability?

 @9H4DCX4 from South Carolina answered…7mos7MO

This should be seen as a threat as China's economy is still growing and they are barely considered a developed country.


Would a decrease in China's global economic dominance make you more optimistic or pessimistic about the future, and why?

 @9H4G482 from Washington answered…7mos7MO

No becuase without china we would not be able to get out products made so cheaply.

 @R3volutionGrasshopperfrom Delaware commented…7mos7MO

China has done this to themselves. With C-19, and the lockdowns and zero covid policies, it created a supply chain nightmare for tech because of dependence on China. Now everyone is diversifying away from China.

 @Activ1stCheetahfrom New York commented…7mos7MO

I guess in reverse order,

1) China is open- GDP and export growth depends on it.

2) slowdown on US semiconductor export controls- need this US tech until local tech can catch up

3) reassurances on Taiwan- there is no real chance of war,

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