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Haley blames a 'Democratic plant' for Civil War question that tripped her up

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

I revile Nikki Haley, but on this one I cannot blame her. The war was about States' Rights mainly, not slavery. Five slave states remained in the Union, and Lincoln made it clear he was invading the South to "preserve the Union." The Southernors had every right to secede and they were the ones fighting for government by the people and for the people. Lincoln wanted to use brute force to coerce them into remaining in the union so they would pay tariffs.

 @9DHRKZYDemocrat from Pennsylvania asked…5mos5MO

States' rights to do what? What right, specifically, were they fighting for?

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington answered…5mos5MO

Let me provide you with a little background on the subject. On May 15th, 1776, Virginia declared itself a fully independent, sovereign republic outside of British influence. 12 other states voluntarily followed, and in the declaration of Independence, made clear that "These united States (that's not a type and in the original) are, and of right ought to be, free an independent states ... and that as free and independent states, they may do all acts & things which free and independent states may of right do." Each state was understood not as a province, county, or parish,…  Read more