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DeSantis Halts COVID Vaccines In Florida

 @VersatileFlamingoDemocrat from Illinois commented…5mos5MO

What nonsense. Tell us any food we eat that isn't contaminated with foreign DNA. Every time we suffer a graze, we introduce foreign DNA. The amounts in the mRNA vaccines are minute by comparison.

If I want to take mRNA vaccines, who are you to stop me?

 @QuickTurtleRepublicanfrom Ohio commented…5mos5MO

And those random proteins created by the Frame Shifting.. don’t worry about those either!

Are you going to tell people that that DNA in the shot is wrapped inside an LNP specifically designed to transfect cells? Or were you hoping we didn’t know that?

 @VersatileFlamingoDemocrat from Illinois commented…5mos5MO

“calling me an antivaxxer is like saying I’m ‘anti-car’ because I don’t want a YUGO..” OK, tell us specifically which vaccines you support.

 @QuickTurtleRepublicanfrom Ohio commented…5mos5MO

Pathetic deflecting. What about the DNA in the LNP “transfecting” part of the question?

 @VersatileFlamingoDemocrat from Illinois commented…5mos5MO

That’s the million dollar question isn’t it ? You’ve tripped over the very question that disturbs so many people… like a bad drunk stumbling into a bar for last call.