Try the political quiz

9 Replies

 @SnailSavannahConstitution from Louisiana commented…5mos5MO

it doesn't matter. Biden said US aid and weapons will continue no matter what, making Biden's grievances utterly irrelevant.

 @Dem0cr4tWaspSocialistfrom Virgin Islands commented…5mos5MO

It reminds me a lot of how the US liberal-left - the soft left - announces in advance that they will vote Dem no matter what, because of how sacred they are of the GOP, then act surprised that Dems don't care about their complaints.

Unconditional support guarantees irrelevance.

 @ConservaBennyGreen from North Carolina commented…5mos5MO

Exactly. The Dems take the votes of certain segments for granted and have no incentive to respect the concerns, wishes or desires of these segments

 @Dem0cr4tWaspSocialistfrom Virgin Islands commented…5mos5MO

Also liberals are using Benjamin Netanyahu as a scapegoat

Instead of criticizing the genocidal regime of Israel, who as a nation supports everything that’s going on, they blame it all in Bibi and want us to believe if he’s gone Israel will clean up its behavior.

Which is 100% not true

 @P0l1cyPolentaGreen from New York commented…5mos5MO

Let’s unpack this: We are supposed to believe Biden’s “patience is running out” with Israel while he offers full political support, gives “emergency” munitions to fuel the slaughter in Gaza and is trying to shield his “great, great friend” Bibi from international law? OK.

 @RhinoSidSocialist from Colorado commented…5mos5MO

I love how aiding and supporting mass killing of civilians these days is referred to as "patience"

 @P0l1cyPolentaGreen from New York commented…5mos5MO

If Genocide Joe keeps providing the support regardless, Netanyahu will just continue doing whatever he wants.

 @RhinoSidSocialist from Colorado commented…5mos5MO

Gripping the ball tightly.

Ole Ben, in a bit of a strop

Proclaims to the world "we won't stop!"

He hasn't been vague

In rejecting The Hague

The ball of war, he won't drop.

 @CharismaticTurtleLibertarianfrom Pennsylvania commented…5mos5MO

Let me explain what this means in plain English. The next handout from America's taxpayers will be slightly less than 14 Billion.

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