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Congressman demands $14 TRILLION in reparations to black Americans

 @FabulousOppositionRepublican from Tennessee commented…4mos4MO

Call me a cynic but somehow I feel that even if you gave $100 trillion, *nothing* would change.

Not the grievance culture, not the demands, not even the standards of living. By the end of the decade, everything would circle back to step 1 and the song and dance would begin again.

 @GrizzledConservaConstitution from Illinois commented…4mos4MO

 @FabulousOppositionRepublican from Tennessee commented…4mos4MO

Adjusted for inflation, we have already given them at least than much. And where has it gone? To the shareholders of Nike and Hennessy.

 @JoyfulGrizzlyLibertarian from Wisconsin commented…4mos4MO

The truth of the matter is it would be a wealth transfer that would end up as rims, gold chains, and other ridiculous garbage and they would be no better off. No purchase of land, or investment. Just “Chapelle Show” level antics