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The U.N.’s War on Israel

 @WalrusSamanthaRepublican from Ohio commented…4mos4MO

The United Nations is an obscenity. Throw it out of New York City. Stop wasting my tax dollars funding this human waste product.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

Really, REALLY bad plan if you don’t like Russia going nuts and invading the entirety of Eastern Europe.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4mos4MO

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

And that’s our problem, even from an isolationist perspective, what the heck do you think would come after? China and Russia live to play the long game: attack who they can, consolidate power, and weaken their big enemies to attack and destroy later. We’re next on the menu if we let them move past the buffer zones on our safety: the rest of Europe and the world at large. As long as they attack our allies or try to consolidate, we have reason to be worried, because eventually that will mean they’ll be on our doorstep, that’s how geopolitics works.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4mos4MO

And the second they actually attack our homeland, I am all for war with them, but I not for engaging in endless preemptive proxy wars and extending the tentacles of a welfare-warfare empire into foreign lands. We truly are becoming as Ron Paul said, The Empire of Lies. Look what happened with the Americans who the Iranians killed yesterday – that moron Biden just left them, sitting ducks in an independent country, like the warmonger he is. They died a sacrifice to the consensus neocon foreign policy both parties agree on that is dragging us into WWIII.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

Whenever we do nothing, millions suffer, but our problem is that when we’re involved, we have a hard time getting out of the guns and bombs thought process, making our situation harder to deal with, but when we fully withdraw, the rest of our enemies will create an empire of economic power capable of crippling the USA long before they ever reach our shores. We can’t be entirely dependent on just ourselves, and if nothing is done to stop the imperialist nations from invading others, then we’re on the menu sooner than we think, and in different ways than we think.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4mos4MO

Show me where in the Constitution this is authorised (remember, if it ain't there you can't do it!)

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

Yet again, that’s the problem with it; when that idea happens, we fix nothing, and help no one. Our stance of neutrality died, thankfully, whenever Japan attacked, and that idea was realized to be a failure whenever world powers are constantly attacking others and then gaining the power to best us as well. That’s why we can’t be neutral, so respectfully, screw the basis of 18 minimally based powers, because it’s not working.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4mos4MO

FDR knew the invasion of Pearl Harbour was coming & allowed two thousand American sailors to be butchered in cold blood as a human sacrifice for his political and military ambitions. And it's highly disturbing (but, in its own twisted way, hilarious) that you equate a war that is happening six thousand miles away from the US with a bloody invasion against our country that vaporised two thousand American lives. Fetch a map & look at the United States & Ukraine. See? They're not the same country. Problem solved!

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

Notice our extremely close proximity to Russia? They hate us with a burning rage, we’ve been rivals for nearly a century, and any step in their strength hurts us directly, that’s how a global economy works. Others pain (if they’re friends) is our pain, and others success (depending on how we’re allied) is often our success. Ukraine was an ally, and when they die, we lose a chance of defending ourselves a bit better. When that happens, Russia gains power and sets us up for a higher risk in the future. Welcome to the longtermist thought process; the most essential way to keep our future secure.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4mos4MO

They hate us with a burning rage,

Wonder why that is? Maybe because we're intervening in their wars & their affairs when it's none of our business?

any step in their strength hurts us directly, that’s how a global economy works.

No it isn't. That's in fact one of the most common economic fallacies of all time, the Zero Sum Fallacy. Wealth is not a constant, and just because on country gets more powerful does not make other countries less powerful, because wealth is something created in the global economy through free trade and transactions.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

Russia will expand regardless, we try to hold them back from freaking killing thousands even when it actually does apply to us, not to mention that all Russia has viewed us as for a while (specifically under the USSR) was the amalgamation of capitalist scum in the world (thanks STALIN, you screwed with your people far more than you thought), so regardless, that ideal still remains even if we do nothing. Vying for peace should definitely be our first priority, but that can’t be done when they won’t even come to the table to negotiate on it. Russia’s gain in strength DOES hurt…  Read more