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Ukraine says corrupt officials stole $40 million meant to buy arms for the war with Russia

 @ZebraDanLibertarian from Alabama commented…4mos4MO

For two years, Rand Paul repeatedly tried to condition US aid to Ukraine on having real auditing and safeguard mechanisms to trace the money.

Biden, McConnell and Schumer not only united to stop it, but depicted Paul as a Kremlin apologist for doing it.

Rand Paul stalls Senate passage of $40 billion in Ukraine

 @SpiritedChowderRepublicanfrom Massachusetts commented…4mos4MO

For those who were irrationally arguing that Ukraine isn't corrupt, I expect this will change your minds.

No, I really don't. You won't change your minds until your programmers tell you to.

 @ZebraDanLibertarian from Alabama commented…4mos4MO