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Kamala Harris Claims U.S. Told Israel It Demands A 2 State Solution

 @C0nservat1veLeoGreen from Michigan commented…4mos4MO

She's talking about principals and what's "important" to the US, while we still continue to unconditionally fund them.

It's gross and I hate how there's almost nothing we can do about this.

 @JovialP4rtisanLibertarian from Georgia commented…4mos4MO

Israel knows Biden cannot and will not ever cut off aid no matter what Israel does, so I don't blame Israel for ignoring these alleged "protests" coming from the US.

Once you pledge your unconditional support, you lose all leverage: something pro-DNC leftists never learn.

 @B1ll0fRightsGarlicSocialist from Indiana commented…4mos4MO

Does anyone know why his loyalty to Israel is so absolute/unconditional? We have many allies…but we have principles (or at least us silly civilians believe we do).. he’s not why?

 @TomatoeFrankRepublican from Michigan commented…4mos4MO

Because the relationship benefits us far more than Israel, so we have no leverage. They are happy to take our aid, but they don't need it. If we start putting conditions on them, they will just walk away and we will lose a major partner in the region.

 @B1ll0fRightsGarlicSocialist from Indiana commented…4mos4MO

I mean we have like a billion bases over there..what is Israel going to do, turn to Iran? There has to be something more.. the unconditional aspect doesn’t make sense..

 @TomatoeFrankRepublican from Michigan commented…4mos4MO

Israel doesn't need a partner. Particularly one that bullies it the way we did in the past. They insulated themselves from our bullying precisely because we bullied them from 1948 to 1993. Now we have no leverage but we made our bed with our own actions.

 @B1ll0fRightsGarlicSocialist from Indiana commented…4mos4MO

I guess I don’t know the back history you’re referring to.. why can’t we walk away from Israel? None of our other allies supported them outright at the UN? It’s only us being completely unconditional.. I guess I need someone to explain it to me like I’m 5 why we need them so badly when we get our hands into whatever we want anyway and have military all over the globe.. I feel like your rationale is oversimplified

 @TomatoeFrankRepublican from Michigan commented…4mos4MO

1) During the Suez Crisis in 1956, Eisenhower bullied Israel into a ceasefire. He secured this by promising Israel we would defend them if Egypt ever did the same again.

2) In 1967 Egypt did the same and Johnson reneged on our promise, setting off the Six Day War.

3) Then in 1973 during the Yom Kippur War, the flaming antisemites Nixon & Kissinger sat and watched as Egypt & Syria attacked Israel with weapons provided by the Soviet Union. They refused to help Israel rearm after the surprise attack.

They were perfectly content to let Jews die so long as they thought Israel would not actual…  Read more

 @B1ll0fRightsGarlicSocialist from Indiana commented…4mos4MO

So we unconditionally fund them in both war time and non-war time, we provide them with the most foreign aid of any country..and we do so unconditionally because we bully them? They also don’t need our help, weapons or funding and in fact would be fine without us.. yet our government continues to give our tax dollars and weaponry to a foreign country for.. what.. **** s and giggles? Do they feel bad for being big bullies to Israel and this is them writing a wrong? Is that also why they’re allowed to lobby in our country? I also have no patience for for all of the cold-war era tension back and forth... millennials are entering their 40s and none of us were party to these things... it’s 2024, we need a path forward.. and the math is not mathing here.. at least not for me

 @TomatoeFrankRepublican from Michigan commented…4mos4MO

1) We used to bully them, as I showed. B/c of that, they took steps to eliminate their dependence on us.

2) Now they *don't* depend on us, but they do like our aid. Our aid allows us to have *some* influence on them, but it's limited.

3) It's a free country and there are a LOT of lobbying groups, including Israel, which admittedly has substantial influence. This lobby grew power over time as a *counter* to the anti-Israel views & behavior that were rampant in the US govt during the Cold War.