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2 Replies

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington disagreed…4mos4MO

No, this will raise prices of many commodities that Americans purchase significantly, further causing economic turmoil that already exists under Biden and making life worse for millions of Americans, who will have to spend more to get the same items. And if they are spending more for the same items, they have that much less money to invest in gold, stocks, real estate, etc, buy houses, buy cars, and employers will have less money to hire people, create jobs, dream up new products, and expand their businesses. By hurting China through tariffs we hurt ourselves – and on top of that tariff…  Read more

 @FreedomChoughRepublican from Texas commented…4mos4MO

The best way to bring home more manufacturing jobs back to US and to reduce federal deficit is to impose a 10% customs duty on all imports. But it is just another way of taxing American. Low income households will bear a disproportional impact.

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