Try the political quiz

8 Replies

 @ExuberantHareRepublican from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

It wasn’t just one verbal slip up. He also said that it was not the judgement of the “press” that he was too old, when he clearly meant to say it wasn’t the judgement of the public. Which doesn’t make much more sense anyway, since polls overwhelmingly show that yes, most of the public does think Biden is too old.

I, for one, am looking forward to everything costing much less again under another Trump administration.

 @WelfareBrianDemocrat from Georgia commented…4mos4MO

So exactly how will that work? How will Trump create disinflation. Are not prices for most materials set in global markets? Are companies suddenly going transform from profit-maximizing monopolists to benevolent caretakers of public needs?

Please explain exactly how Trump would reverse prices. Be specific.

 @FinickyBureaucr4tGreenfrom Alabama commented…4mos4MO

You might want to review the current statistics that we are doing far better than other industrialized nations in terms of inflation and now lowering inflation in the wake of post-pandemic global repercussions. If you get your wish for Trump, look for global instability once he hands Ukraine over to Russia and China is given carte blanche to throw its weight around the Pacific. Trump left a mess for Biden and others to clean up.

 @KnowledgeableCivilLibertiesDemocrat from Georgia commented…4mos4MO

It's no secret that Biden is a senior citizen. But aside from the occasional verbal gaffe--the kind he has always made, and which many of us make, as well--he has always struck me as a generally sharp President, both in his appearances before cameras and in his decisions and policies. With the thinnest of margins in Congress, he managed to shepherd through multiple big laws that have benefited Americans, like the pandemic relief bill and the infrastructure bill and the Inflation Reduction Act and the semiconductor bill, laws that have gotten us back to a very good economy. By contrast,…  Read more

 @GoofyBuzzardGreen from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

I'm surprised that whenever I read about Biden's verbal gaffes they are never described as a lingering symptom of the stutter he had in his youth. Overcoming it is a constant task that doesn't disappear. I have no doubt that as he gets older it gets harder to control, but that has nothing to do with mental capacity.

 @KnowledgeableCivilLibertiesDemocrat from Georgia commented…4mos4MO

Exactly. When Biden speaks his brain must run though his next sentence searching fo troublesome words and finding substitutes.

I doubt many of the young whiners here could do that.

Anybody can throw their hat into the ring for the top nomination. Two challengers did not well in the primary we just had.

Jump in if you can do better.


Can a person's age or memory lapses be fairly used to discredit their actions, or is that discrimination?

 @LeftistLizardCA Common Sense from Washington commented…4mos4MO

Let me say that I think Biden Rocks!! I am amazed at how much he has been able to accomplish, especially having to deal with this totally dysfunctional house of representatives. I think he has been one of the most effective Presidents we've had in my lifetime and I'm 63.


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