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House Intelligence Committee Chair Warns Of "National Security Threat"

 @J0intResolIcecreamGreenfrom Maine commented…4mos4MO

Wow, what crazy timing. Just as the House Speaker is stalling a bipartisan neocon bill to funnel another $61 billion into the Ukraine proxy war. If he doesn't obey, he'll be accused even more of failing to confront the "serious national security threat" from Russia.

 @RoadrunnerBrandonRepublican from North Carolina commented…4mos4MO

Your theory is that Mike Turner just undercut the Speaker by speaking about this publicly? Is Turner trying to corner the Speaker into putting up the bill for a vote? Why would that come from a Republican appointed to his chair position by the leadership?

 @J0intResolIcecreamGreenfrom Maine commented…4mos4MO

Are you saying Turner is a RINO? Why would Speaker Johnson appoint a RINO to a committee chair? Did he recently change positions?