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6 Replies

 @NourishingIdealisticDemocrat from California commented…4mos4MO

Interesting to see what really will be done. China has millions of people paying mortgages on housing units that are not finished and probably will never be finished. Yet those buyers got the loans which they must pay back to banks controlled by the CCP. They are indebt for the next 25-30 years with no assets to live in or to sell. What is Xi going to do. Add in the many units that are tofu dregs, falling apart in front of their owners eyes, with no fix in sight. That's just the tip of the iceberg.

 @L1b3rtyBaboonLibertarian from Georgia commented…4mos4MO

Even in the U.S. you never own property. Pay off your mortgage then don't pay your real estate taxed for a few years. You will find out who really owns your property.

 @SoulfulBi11R1ghtsSocialist from Kentucky commented…4mos4MO

American-style capitalism has - for ninety years - included bank supervision where excessive lending could cause bank management to be replaced by the government. I worked for a bank in the early 1980s where the Reagan Administration did exactly this.

Intense bank examination of loan underwriting quality and internal quality control has kept the American economy out of Great Depressions. FDIC loan portfolio quality review is similar to FDA quality audits of pharmaceutical companies. They are frequent. And rigorous. It’s the beginning AND end of controlling systemic risk.

Unfortunately,…  Read more

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