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18 Replies

 @HonorableElectionRepublicanfrom Ohio commented…4mos4MO

The lack of common sense of the left couldn't be in better and more dramatic display than it is on the issue of the migrant caravans. I speak Spanish and have been watching a lot of TV news coverage originating in Mexico, including many hours of live TV coming from reporters embedded in the caravans. From that I can tell you without any fear of being wrong that the U.S. media is grossly misinforming us and outright lying on many of the incidents they accuse the Border Patrol of doing. What the media is doing is truly outrageous.

 @R3pr3sntat1veCicadaConstitutionfrom Maine commented…4mos4MO

Who has paid the way for thousands of people to go from one end of Mexico to the US border? Who has fed them, who has paid for the transportation? If thing are so bad at home go home , go home and fix your home. If all else fails put them on a bus to Canada.................................

 @ActivistChowderDemocrat from Illinois commented…4mos4MO

Like many other law-abiding, respectful citizens, I came here legally to escape oppression that was much worse than that found in Central America. There are still millions of Poles and others from around the world who wait patiently for years to legally immigrate here. Those who wish to immigrate here must do so legally, like I did.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

Okay let me just stop you right there, the media is not in “the left”, on the worldwide scale, our country is center-right, and things like CNN are center-left at best.

 @CrummyP0litic4lAmerican Solidarityfrom Massachusetts commented…4mos4MO

Our system is a disaster. We have laws that seemingly only Trump wants to enforce. Congress, particularly the democrats, are completely abdicating their responsibilities. And hack judges are complicit in the lawlessness. Perhaps the WSJ could put its resources towards finding out who is behind these caravans. Is it cartels, or Soros or somebody else. But someone is paying for these people to come. Someone is paying to feed them and transport them. There is a slim glimmer of reality to this editorial. I guess even the WSJ is now beginning to understand that open borders are not a good thing. BTW, the tear gassing also happened in 2013. But it was under the reign of Obama the benevolent and so nary a peep was heard throughout the land.

 @IndependenceEverlyNo Labels from Georgia commented…4mos4MO

Actually we have nothing to enforce, we only have laws that encourage a constant flow of migrators. Congress is solely to blame & has abdicated their responsibility on immigration for decades. Following is just a sampling of our laws that are being exploited. 1. An individual can request asylum whether they cross illegally or legally -there is absolutely no benefit to following the rules & no repercussion for disobeying them. 2. If you have a child with you then you will not be detained more than 20 days. 3. From the moment a woman crosses the US border, legally or illegally, any…  Read more

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4mos4MO

Time for Texas to seize control of its borders, finish the wall, deport every last criminal alien, drive out the federal agents, and secede from the Union! That is the only rightful remedy!

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

They’re already continuing the construction of the wall, chill out.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4mos4MO

They have literally had to resort to stringing barbed wire across the RIO GRANDE because they don't have the resources to build an adequate wall – we need the same durable Trump construction across the entire border.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

So they have the money for miles of razor wire (which wouldn’t last five minutes in a human rights trial), but not even enough to use their national guard at maximized capacity? They have the resources too, the government is just helping too slowly, which is a responsibility that lies in the hands of congress, not the president.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4mos4MO

Then why is he not acting when Congress has for generations passed laws that enable him to act, and both Congress and the States demand his action?


Do you believe government forces are justified in using lethal force against organized crime groups?


What emotions arise when you hear about armed civilians clashing with soldiers?

 @9K34GSR from Illinois commented…4mos4MO


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