Try the political quiz

22 Replies

 @PoliticalLlamaLibertarian from Indiana commented…3mos3MO

Let's not exaggerate the dangers poised by the Houthis. They have been able to hijack a single ship. Their missiles are inaccurate and incur only minor damage on ships when incurring direct hits. Most importantly, the Houthis are isolated geographically. They cannot attack or threaten U. S. or allied troops, and they have to be re-supplied with weapons by sea only (our navies will stop that). They have no defense against U. S. air attacks. Many commercial ships continue to use the Red Sea for Israel's benefit, so the Houthis have had no effect on Israel's war. Many ships avoide…  Read more

 @CleverGnuLibertarian from New York agreed…3mos3MO

Attacking an important shipping lane global issue that should be addressed by a global coalition, which is not entirely bankrolled by the United States.

 @L1ber4lBillyGreen from Pennsylvania agreed…3mos3MO

Interesting that the best and quickest option to clam the tension in the Red sea was not even mentioned. Stopping unconditional support of Israel to continue its atrocities in Gaza.

 @HarmoniousGrasshopperWorking Family from Kentucky agreed…3mos3MO

The US has killed over 100 civilians in drone strikes on Yemen in the past 20 years.

Why do we keep bombing the Middle East?

 @D1plom4tValentinaTranshumanist from Kansas commented…3mos3MO

Not to sound cold but the men just keep coming in the Middle East. Always fighting killing . Been going on for generations. They die happily while old clerics live in splendor laughing at them all

For intense health disparities there is always thousands of men ready to fight. They cannot read but they fight die on cue

Everyone crying in the Middle East no hospitals no food no nothing. Those fighters look well fed and determined to kill

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…3mos3MO

 @P4rtisanBobcatDemocratfrom New York commented…3mos3MO

The ragtag Houthi militia, attacking merchant ships trying to cross the Red Sea, in a stupid move to gain relevancy, shall lose ground soon after its supporter, cruelly ambitious Iran, stops funding it. How ironic, a theocratic Iran, representing an all-loving God, behaves so instilling hate in all they do. Poor ordinary iranians, well-educated and tolerant, but subdued by iranian militias, deeply religiously fanatic in their intolerance to basic human rights of their own people. Can you imagine if these "mullahs" are allowed to develop nuclear weapons, given…  Read more

 @N0minati0nSausageGreen from Georgia commented…3mos3MO

Seems to be a commentary that in spite of all the military aid provided to the Saudis what an inconsequential military force they are in the Mideast. The only thing they have going for them is their oil money but I think the Houthis if they had a strong leader could take down the House of Saud quite easily. MbS take heed.

 @9KHPJ4L from Mississippi commented…3mos3MO

i think we should really work towards improving the environment as a species

 @9KHHZPBfrom Maine commented…3mos3MO

We need to undertake action immediately to ensure that we protect British interests, whilst articles 5 does not apply, the core motive should even in international waters, thus military action should be immediate, even if it means putting boots on the ground

 @9KHHQN6from Maine commented…3mos3MO

The west must acknowledge the power of the east and that they can no longer dismiss the east as a broken and fragile undeveloped part of the world

 @9KGSWTM from California commented…3mos3MO

It's important to know what those who are not for the United States are up to, and how they are doing it.

 @9KGMRYG from Texas commented…3mos3MO

 @VengefulLynxPeace and Freedomfrom Illinois commented…3mos3MO

80% of Yemen's population lives in Houthi-controlled areas, including the capital which was captured at the start of the war. They overthrew an extremely brutal and corrupt dictator and Saudi Arabia swept in to stop them from winning outright. I don't believe religious extremism is the right way to run a country and am perfectly aware of how awful the Houthis can be. But they are popular for a reason, even their opposition has endorsed their recent attacks and condemned the US for our retaliation. This is not a conflict we can win easily, and they've made their demands clear - a ceasefire in Gaza (something I do agree with them on), we should work towards one and hold them to their word. If they lied, explore alternate options, but at least give peace a chance.


How important do you believe it is for warring parties to consider the environmental repercussions of their actions during conflicts?


In what ways do you think international conflicts should be resolved to prevent collateral damage, such as ecological disasters?


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