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10 Replies

 @PassionateCockatooPeace and Freedomfrom Illinois commented…3mos3MO

She has to be held accountable. You can't just cause the deaths of millions of people and then resign & live happily ever after. A soon as she gets out of office, she should be bombarded with court cases after court cases untill she's finally in prison.

 @CheetahSerenityDemocrat from Florida disagreed…3mos3MO

For what? You want statecraft to be illegal? That's not how it has ever worked nor can it.

 @PassionateCockatooPeace and Freedomfrom Illinois disagreed…3mos3MO

Lawyers can make up anything if they want to put you in prison. How do you think Julian Assange is in Prison?

 @TranquilPlatypusLibertarianfrom Pennsylvania disagreed…3mos3MO

Julian Assange isn't a well connected government insider and he exposed dirty laundry of well connected government insiders, that's why they put him in prison. The Justice system is the easiest thing to manipulate because its not affected by public opinion all that much.

 @VoterIDHeronSocialist from Georgia agreed…3mos3MO

Neocons see America as a host to be sucked dry and discarded. As long as Israel’s diaspora interests are advanced, nothing else matters.

 @DunbirdMariaWorking Family from Illinois disagreed…3mos3MO

LOL no this will never happen, she will probably land a gig in the private sector and make millions of dollars. There will be no consequences what so ever. Just being realistic.

 @DoveWillLibertarian from Missouri commented…3mos3MO

The rat is leaving the sinking ship.

Victoria Nuland’s Ukraine project has utterly failed and the shadow President of Ukraine resigns from the US Govt in disgrace. She will be remembered as the coup manager, proxy war aficionado, NordStream plotter and “ **** the EU” lunatic who has killed hundreds of thousands and wrecked Ukraine.

This is a clear sign that the US proxy war in Ukraine is coming to an end. Russia has won. The West has lost. Europe has wrecked its economic engine with self-harming sanctions. NATO will be busy selling US arms to scared EU nations who will forever fear Russias revenge and leaders across the West will be kicked out of power at the next election. Relations between the EU and the US will sour substantially.

 @SheepishLardUnity from California agreed…3mos3MO

Victoria Nuland will land at a cushy job at the Atlantic Council, an anti-American organization funded by foreign oligarchs. She’ll do the speaking gigs. 25K a pop. Nothing will fill up her miserable soul, and she knows final judgment awaits.

 @ThrusheDougGreen from Alabama commented…3mos3MO

One of the single most psychotic and bloodthirsty warmongers to serve in the US Government in decades:

Far beyond serving as **** Cheney's top advisor for the Iraq War, and overseeing NATO expansion for Bush - including Ukraine - she then ran Ukraine for both Obama and Biden.

I have no doubt Nuland's replacement will be similar. But good riddance.

She also served under Bill Clinton. Her husband is Bill Kristol's main warmongering partner and part of the largest neocon family, Robert Kagan.

The only time she was out of power was under Trump.

 @M4jorityAbaloneGreen from California commented…3mos3MO

If you’re wondering about the endgame for Ukraine, here’s a clue:

"Nuland will be replaced temporarily as under secretary by another career diplomat, John Bass, a former ambassador to Afghanistan who oversaw the U.S. withdrawal from the country. He is currently the undersecretary of state for management."


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