Try the political quiz

27 Replies


Do you think a government should control the apps you can use based on where the app's company is from?

 @9KKVXX4 from Arkansas commented…3mos3MO

 @9KLD45MRepublican from Idaho commented…3mos3MO

I think that the government should look out for its citizens best intrests.


Should the U.S. prioritize digital privacy and security over the conveniences provided by apps like TikTok?

 @9KLB3ZXfrom Guam commented…3mos3MO

It’s important to weigh in privacy and security concerns in the digital age. An app like TikTok provides endless convenience, yet might contain numerous latchkeys for various violations of national security to take place. It’s therefore a crucial concern to have when dealing with social media platforms so prolific and so wide-reaching.

 @WaspChloeLibertarian from New Jersey disagreed…3mos3MO

The forced removal of Parler from the App Store in January 2021 was another unprecedented act of state censorship. This bill targeting TikTok would be even more extreme, as it would become federal law to prohibit an outlet used for public expression by millions of Americans

 @9KKLSX2 from Georgia commented…3mos3MO

Tictok should be banned to protect each US citizen from information being illegally obtained by foreign countries.

 @9KLKT33Independent from Texas commented…3mos3MO

 @9KKZMTY from Oklahoma commented…3mos3MO

Yes so it decreases the risk of your personal information getting out to the world or identity theift

 @ThirdPartyBearRepublican from Georgia commented…3mos3MO

The world would be a much better place for teenagers if just about ALL social media platforms were regulated more strictly.

 @K3ynesianDanLibertarianfrom Tennessee commented…3mos3MO

maybe, but as one who hung out in the computer lab in high school and college, we know how to bypass parental controls.

Go ahead, regulate, there is always a work around.

 @PoliticalPolarLlamaPeace and Freedomfrom California commented…3mos3MO

Let us be clear, the issue, like with banning school books and classroom topics, is not about "protecting children" but about the conservative right wing ludites controlling the media in terms of content, not just in terms of business regulation. This, like banning books, won't end with the conservatives' idea of "porn", but will continue to expand to any other idea the evangelical and political right finds offensive in the broadest sense. How many books do you allow them to burn? Not one, otherwise the flaming pile just gets bigger and bigger.

 @ElectoralDotterelSocialist from Minnesota agreed…3mos3MO

If you want to move to a safe space where the government watches your Internet habits, try Iran or China. If you think you (and your family's) life would be better without the Internet, I'm sure North Korea would love to have you.

This "parent's rights" movement is a thinly veiled "pushing Evangelical Christian beliefs on everyone" movement, yet these same people will yell about "indoctrination" when it's something they don't want their kids learning about because of their religious beliefs. If you want to absolutely control everything your kids are exposed to, homeschool or send them to the most madrassa-like private school you can find. It's your choice.

 @TariffToucanSocialist from Michigan commented…3mos3MO

Why is this a priority while people are living under bridges?

 @GiddyIdealisticGreenfrom Minnesota agreed…3mos3MO

There wasn’t an appetite for this until US elites started panicking about youth support for Palestine and opposition to Israel

 @MonkeyGabriellaLibertarianfrom Guam commented…3mos3MO

Didn’t China do something like this in the 17th century when they believed in the superiority of its culture tuned its back on a world entering modernity based out of the West???

 @ZestySwiftTranshumanist from Georgia commented…3mos3MO

What? All the noble work Congress could be doing; instead, they are writing legislation that pisses off teenagers and is blatant unconstitutional.


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