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Netanyahu's Political Opponent Holds Unofficial Peace Talks With U.S. and U.K.

 @AmusedHyenaSocialist from Virginia agreed…3mos3MO

If the West is serious about humanitarian aid to Gaza they need to stop treating Israel with kid gloves. The right wingers in charge of that country just get more and more empowered each time the West meekly steps back.

 @SereneD3baterRepublican from Michigan disagreed…3mos3MO

Why not also put the burden on Hamas to return the hostages, the live and dead ones-- and to remove the terrorist leaders from power. If Hamas remains in charge we are paving the way for another October 7th, which they have clearly promised.

Just like peace and stability will never be a reality with Netanyahu and his far right fanatics in charge of Israel, it can never be attained with Hamas at the helm of Gaza. Both fanatical powers need to be removed as soon as possible.

 @AmusedHyenaSocialist from Virginia disagreed…3mos3MO

Israel announced on January 15 that they were in control of northern Gaza and that they had defeated the last Hamas battalion present there. That was 7 weeks ago. They sent the reserve back home and switched to "low intensity" IDF presence.

And yet, despite Israel being the official authority in charge of northern Gaza, and with no significant battle there any more, the quantity of aid arriving to northern Gaza *has actually gone down since, instead of up*.

And it's in 100% Israel controlled Northern Gaza that children are currently dying of hunger, nowhere else.

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