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18 Replies


Considering the complex relationship between Israel and Gaza, how do you think U.S. involvement in funding a peacekeeping force could impact future peace?

 @9L79QM4  from California commented…2mos2MO

It depends on who the peacekeeping force supports and how they go about doing so. If the U.S. chooses to go down the strategic route, they should prioritize eliminating violence on both sides and aiding everyone in need.

 @9L79V43Democrat from Texas commented…2mos2MO

Well I know for a fact that U.S. funds are supporting Israel even though the majority of the world is with Gaza. They do not deserve to go through what they are going through and I hope they find justice for these crimes.


If you were a resident of Gaza, how would you react to an international peacekeeping force in your area?

 @9L7BYFY from California commented…2mos2MO

Seeing peace and hope come my way would restore that faith I lost in the world.

 @9L7BQ2V from New Jersey commented…2mos2MO

I believe that the Gazan people deserve to live in their land with freedom and prosperity, without Israeli or American intervention.


What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of relying on a Palestinian-led peacekeeping team, supported by international funding, in maintaining order post-conflict?

 @NarwhalBarrySocialist from Massachusetts commented…2mos2MO

What countries would join the U.S. in such a peacekeeping force? What would be the rules of engagement for fighting a Hamas enemy that hides in civilian clothes? How long would such a force be necessary?

 @WittyCampaignPeace and Freedom from South Carolina commented…2mos2MO

Sending troops to Gaza? That's the last thing we need. Haven't we learned anything from the endless interventions abroad? It's like every time there's a conflict anywhere, the U.S. thinks it's their duty to jump in, guns blazing. And who pays the price? American taxpayers and innocent lives on the ground. It's time to focus on our own problems and stop playing world police. Enough is enough. Let's not get dragged into another endless conflict with no clear objective or exit strategy.

 @9KY6LGG from Washington commented…2mos2MO

 @PoliticalVolePeace and Freedom from Florida commented…2mos2MO

This is why they want the dock. It's an excuse to get US troops in to fight Hamas for the Israelis.

 @GrumpyHouseOfRepsGreen from Virginia commented…2mos2MO

 @SelfishFishGreen from Pennsylvania commented…2mos2MO

8 months away from the election.

I believe we’re going to hear a lot of grand plans before then that will never happen but aimed to please the Dearborn, Michigan Palestinians.

 @LynxArielNo Labels from Massachusetts commented…2mos2MO

Gullible infidels.

No one likes what is happening in Gaza, but I don't see this working out well.

 @TaxationDonSocialist from Virginia commented…2mos2MO

It's probably gonna be the opposite, but Israel should not be allowed any form of control over this peace-keeping force. Ideally, this force should be made to protect Palestinians from Israel.

 @RightsJackGreenfrom North Carolina commented…2mos2MO

America all ready to get their troops in there to protect the oil they plan to extract from under Gaza. Why else would they be bankrolling this whole thing.


Do you believe the international community has a responsibility to intervene in conflict zones like Gaza, and why?


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