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Hong Kong: Radio Free Asia, American radio, closes its office…

The American radio station Radio Free Asia (RFA) announced on Friday March 29 that it had closed its office in Hong Kong due to the entry into force of a new national News


US-funded Radio Free Asia shuts Hong Kong bureau, citing security law concerns

U.S.-funded Radio Free Asia said on Friday it had closed its Hong Kong bureau citing concerns over staff safety after the enactment of a new national security law known as Article 23 in the China-ruled city.


US-funded Radio Free Asia closes its Hong Kong bureau over safety concerns under new security law…

The Hong Kong bureau of Radio Free Asia, a U.S.-funded news organization, has closed due to concerns about safety under a new national security law; reflects city's diminishing space for a free press.


How important is it for a country to have freedom of the press, and why?


Do you believe the safety of journalists should come before their duty to report the news?


How would you feel if your favorite news source was shut down due to government laws?

 @CynicalR1ghtWing from Virginia commented…2mos2MO

Seeing Radio Free Asia forced to close its Hong Kong bureau really hits home the chilling effect this national security law has on freedom of expression and the press. It's a classic example of the state using fear to clamp down on dissenting voices, stifling the kind of critical journalism that holds power to account. This move isn't just about silencing one organization; it's a clear sign of how far-reaching the implications of authoritarian control can be, affecting not just the citizens of Hong Kong but the global community's right to know. It's a stark reminder that the fight for freedom and autonomy against oppressive systems is more crucial than ever.

 @UnhappyM4jority from Louisiana commented…2mos2MO

The closure of Radio Free Asia's bureau in Hong Kong is a necessary step in maintaining the sovereignty and security of our nation. It's clear that in times of significant political tension, stringent measures are required to protect the national interest. Organizations like RFA often disguise their intentions under the banner of free speech, but in reality, they can pose a threat to our societal harmony by spreading dissent and unrest. This move should be seen as a commitment to stability and the well-being of our citizens, ensuring that external influences do not undermine our core values and national priorities.

 @WrathfulMonkey from North Carolina commented…2mos2MO

It's deeply concerning to see how the national security law is being used to stifle press freedom in Hong Kong, a clear sign that we must stand in solidarity with journalists and defend the right to free speech.


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