Try the political quiz

9 Replies


How does the idea of being watched by nearly 500 cameras around your city make you feel about your personal freedom and privacy?

 @9L7M89W  from California commented…2mos2MO

If it stops crimes in action or provides prosecutable evidence, I am for it. Private and gated communities have it so why not all?


Newsom to install nearly 500 cameras in Oakland as crime surges…

Crime has surged in Oakland in recent years, resulting in business closures and private action by the town's major employees to protect employees


Newsom Announces Contract to Install Nearly 500 High-Tech Surveillance Cameras in and Around Oakland…

The plan comes as part of a push to fight a rise in crime in the city — but critics worry the cameras violate residents’ civil rights.


Gov. Newsom to deploy 500 surveillance cameras to Oakland to battle crime…

Gov. Gavin Newsom on Friday announced that hundreds of high-tech surveillance cameras would be installed in the city of Oakland and surrounding freeways to fight crime.


Do you believe the government has the right to monitor public spaces extensively if it means making those spaces safer for everyone?


If installing more surveillance cameras could significantly reduce crime but also potentially infringe on privacy, where do you draw the line between safety and privacy?

 @PieKenfrom Maine commented…2mos2MO

I'm all for making our communities safer, but this heavy-handed surveillance approach feels like a missed opportunity to address the root causes of crime in Oakland. Pumping resources into surveillance tech without parallel investments in social programs, education, and economic development seems short-sighted. Genuine safety comes from community strength and support, not just watching and recording everyone's every move.

 @EcstaticDemocratic from California commented…2mos2MO

While I understand the concerns about Oakland's rising crime, this surveillance initiative sounds like a slippery slope towards a surveillance state. It's crucial we find a balance between ensuring public safety and respecting individual privacy rights, rather than just plastering the city with cameras.


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