Try the political quiz

16 Replies

 @BipartisanJerkyTranshumanistfrom Alabama commented…2mos2MO

Our foreign policy is “don't do anything to raise oil prices”. Sanctions or pressure on Iran…not permitted. Ukraine bombing Russian refineries…not permitted. Enforcing energy sanctions against Russia…not permitted; ask India. If oil goes over $100 Biden definitely loses election. All our adversaries know this, thus no restraint.

 @MusselKenRepublican from South Carolina commented…2mos2MO

But we also don’t do anything to REDUCE oil prices. This affects both domestic and foreign policy, allowing Russia and Iran to sell oil on a higher world market price and supporting the EV agenda. (Temporary, minor market fluctuations resulting from politically-motivated drawdowns of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve don’t count. )

 @AmnestyAntelopeVeteran from Utah agreed…2mos2MO

You hit the nail on the head. The best way to reduce oil prices is to drill baby drill. What Trump has been advocating for all along.


Consider your position on the use of military strikes as a form of retaliation; do they resolve conflicts or exacerbate tensions?

 @9LC68DX  from New York answered…2mos2MO

 @9LC64ZR from Texas answered…2mos2MO

I think United Stated does not have a right to mind business in foreign countries regardless it recognize the country as ally or not

 @CentristDukeDemocratfrom North Carolina commented…2mos2MO

Since 1979, Iran has been the real problem in the region. We've dissipated our national power in Afghanistan when we embarked on nation building instead of what should have been a punitive campaign. By invading Iraq and deposing the Suni regime, we facilitated expanding Iranian influence and opened their supply lines. Now we are vacillating on our support for Israel. We're led by such fools we can't get out of our own way.

 @ExcitedParliamentDemocrat from Minnesota agreed…2mos2MO

What US president has, in retrospect, made a worse and more costly decision than Bush' invasion of Iraq?

All he had to do was take a 5 minute course on Sunni vs **** e hatred and learn about the Iran-Iraq 8 year war!

Instead he invaded the ONLY ME country that kept Iran in check, Iraq, and took out Saddam who hated Iran and the **** e Ayatollahs.

With Saddam Iran was a backwater. Without Saddam the US has spent TRILLIONS and many lives and the ME is a complete mess, a war zone that no one knows how to end it.

Bush is my vote for the worst US president in history.

 @ImpeachmentLunaRepublicanfrom Texas commented…2mos2MO

I often think back to 2009 when 3 million people took to the streets of Tehran in protest of the Islamic regime and in support of Mir-Hossein Mousavi. There was the real possibility of regime change because the populace was galvanized around an alternative potential leader. We kept waiting to see what Obama would do. I kept thinking that he was keeping so quiet because there must have been some plan to help the demonstrators. Instead, there was nothing. Hardly any comments giving support to the demonstrators and no threats to the despicable Iranian regime. Instead, the Iranian people have liv…  Read more

 @OatmealCamilaMountainfrom Maryland agreed…2mos2MO

Biden freed up $10 billion for Iran last month, Obama paid Iran $140 billion. I remember videos of the pallets with $1.7 billion in cash flown to Iran from Switzerland. I wonder on what side O was really on.

 @D3mocratDuckLibertarian from Pennsylvania commented…2mos2MO

Will believe it when I feel the warmth of the nuclear blast across my face

 @TenaciousTortoiseRepublican from Oklahoma commented…2mos2MO

Not like they didn't do that before. Only difference that this time they won't be hiding behind terrorist organisations while doing this.


Imagine your country was involved in this scenario either as Israel, Iran, or the US; how would you want your leaders to respond?


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